Not a happy ending...

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Alice's POV
We got to Adele's house really fast. It was late evening, something about 11pm and all I wanted then was to go to my bed. I kissed Delly for good night and went to my room. I fell right to sleep when I only hit the bed.
************Time passes*************
I woke up about 4am. I couldn't sleep and decided to check out Instagram. Maybe something interesting happened? I thought as I turned on my mobile. I got some messages but I ignored them. It wasn't anything important. I opened Instagram and saw Adele posted a picture. I saw us on the stage. I was looking so beautiful but Adele was the most awesome person and I focused on her. She was smiling and holding my hand. I remembered this moment. It was just before she finished the song and... um... actually kissed me. Everybody saw us. It was really stressful for me but she didn't seem to care about other people's opinion.
I started reading comments. Some of them were saying that they were totally shipping it. They gave us a nice nickname which was just connection of our names. I smiled because of it.
I kept reading. The comments started getting more hatefull. As I was reading them my eyes got wet and finally I started crying. They were laughing or hating our relationship. I didn't even know all of these people but they were hating me. I clicked at one of the hashtags. I felt sick for a moment. I saw a lot of copies of two pictures. In some of the pictures I saw Adele kissing me on the stage, and in the another ones I saw also Adele kissing me... in the park, just some time ago. I looked at the comments.
It's going to destroy Adele's career! People were saying. She's just a bitch that fucks another girl!
I was speechless for a moment. My body started shaking. Without even knowing I found a small blade in my bag. One cut won't kill me, right? I thought and moved the blade on my hand. I groaned quietly when I felt the pain and saw some blood. I cut again, this time harder. I groaned in pain again. One cut after an another.
I was cutting and cutting. I couldn't stop. I couldn't resist. As my hand started hurting, I started forgetting about these pictures and people's hatefull comments. It felt... good.
When my whole hand was covered by scars and some blood, I got up and went downstairs quietly to get some alcohol. I also took some pills with me. I found them in the kitchen. Adele won't be angry with me. These pills will help me to get some sleep. I thought and went back to my room.
I opened the alcohol and drank a little. I liked the taste which was kinda strange. That's because of my mood. I whispered to myself and drank some more. I took my blade and started doing it again. I found some wipes in my bag. I took one of them and put them on my hand. It got red in some time so I changed it to another one. I drank an alcohol again. Before I realized, there was just a little left.
It's all my fault. I thought as I was getting more and more drunk. I ruined her life. She divorced with Simon because she wanted to be with me. It must have been love between them. And I destroyed it. Angelo doesn't understand our relationship. They both love me but I'm only going to make their life worse and worse. I was thinking to myself.
I took some pills, maybe more that I should and drank the rest of the alcohol.
I got up amd looked for a piece of paper. I knew exactly what I was going to do some time after that.
I decided to write a letter to Adele.

Dear Delly,
I love you. That's all I can say. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I don't know what's going to happen with me when I finally fall asleep but don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
I don't want you to miss me. You should just deal with it and move on. Tell Angelo I love him with all my heart. He is like a brother which I've never had.
Thank you for everything you've done for me, like for punishing Jake and Jessica. It means the world to me. It really does.
I'm gonna miss you very much.
I love you as I've never loved anyone. I know that and you know that. You made my dreams came true. It was a pleasure to meet someone like you.
I think you'll feel better without me. Don't give a fuck to all of the people who hate you. As you said, 'if they don't like you for being yourself, be yourself even more'. I hope you'll manage to make things right. Tell everyone that this picture in the park was photoshopped. And you kissed me by accident on the stage.
Don't forget, I'll always love you,

I put my letter on the table. I was sure Adele was going to find and read it. Then I laid in my bed and was waiting.
What for? You all would ask. I was waiting for sleep to come to me.
I wanted to fall asleep and never wake up.
Finally darkness came and I closed my eyes. My last thought?
Delly, I love you.

The book is over, guys! Maybe one day I'll write a sequel. I just don't know. Now I think I'm going to write an another book but idk...
I'd like to say a huge fank you for all of your support, it really means the world to me!
I love you all, darlings 💞💞😭
Always yours,
Alice xoxo

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