We had a great time together

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You two don't believe me, right? I said and I was pretty sure that I was right.
I knew that you are very creative and you have a huge imagination but I didn't expect... this! My mum said while laughing. Actually, they both were laughing so hard. I wasn't surprized that they didn't believe me. If somebody told me one month ago that Adele'll become my best friend, I'd call him an idiot and tell him to go to a hospital for people who are mentally sick.
So you think I'm not telling the truth?
You're not telling the truth for sure. My dad answered.
That was my moment. I could prove them that my dreams came true and I wasn't crazy while saying them about my new friend. I knew that Adele could hear the whole conversation between my parents and I.
Delly, could you join me, please? I said with a huge smile on my face. I felt a huge relief when I saw her.
She came to me and took my hand. My parents were just starring at us.
So you two think that Alice lied about that she met me? She said.
They were speechless.
She's always had a huge imagination so I thought... My mum couldn't even finish the sentence.
My parents let us inside. We had a great time while talking. We were sitting and talking for a couple of hours. I didn't even feel the time was passing.
Do you mind if I tale Alice to my house for tonight? Adele suddenly asked my parents.
Not at all. We both know that she'll be with the right person. You'll take care of her, I'm sure about it. My mum said. It surprized me a little bit. I didn't expect that. They seemed to like Adele and it made me happy.
We both decided to leave my house about 8pm. We went to a restaurant, ate something, talked for a while and then went to her house.
To be continued 😄

This chapter is super short, maybe the shortest of all of them but I'm just too exhausted to write anything more that that.
I'd like to say a super huge FANK you for your support. I decided to write my own fanfic because my friend told me it's good when you're bored. I thought there'd be anyone who'd read it. Thank you for all votes and nice comments, it really motivates me to write more and more. It's just fuckin amazing (shit, even unvelievable) feeling to have such great people who like my story.
Thank you again! 💞
Always yours,
Alice xoxo

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