Chapter two

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A/N: Hello everyone! I am terribly sorry for my grammar mistakes in the last chapter.  I know it was dule and pretty craptastic.  But I am keep doing what I enjoy, which is writing.  Anyone can drop a comment on my stories, telling me if you like it so far, or if you hate it. Thanks to anyone who has read my dribble! x


The sounds of the cars crashing rings in my ears.  It feels like my ears are bleeding and I just want it to stop.  The sight of blood makes my heart skip so many beats I can't count.  With my eyes I follow the trail of blood starting at the drivers window leading down to the corpse of the biggest and brightest star in my dark sky.  The taste of salty tears hitting my tongue, I can no longer bare.  I don't want him to leave me now!  I want to leave with him!  I want to shake him telling him to wake up.  But I can't, the numbness in my leg is getting worse. I want to scream "Why?! Why now?!  Please god don't, you can't take him and leave me!!".  But nothing comes out, just weeps of sadness.  Just as I hear sirens, they fade away, as I can no longer stay awake.

Hopefully god has changed his mind, and he'll take me as well.

*beep beep beep*

"God no!" I yelp as I clutch my chest gasping for air. Once it sinks in that I am back in present time, I drag myself out of bed and go to the bathroom. 

These dreams are coming back, and I just want them to stop.  Have you ever had anything so precious in your life  just to be taken away in a blink of an eye?  It crushes you.  It pains you to get out of bed in the morning, knowing that the person you loved wont be there to greet you.  The guilt of not being able to say your last goodbyes.  The agonizing heart ache knowing you'll have to deal with life without the person who made your life so easy.  This may sound like I am talking about my boyfriend, but I assure you that I'm not.  The biggest and brightest star of my dark sky is my dad.

I sigh, looking at myself in the mirror. The redness in my eyes and the rats nest sitting on top of my head.  I quickly brush my teeth and go change into my high waisted white ripped  shorts and slide into my dark blue crop top that has one of my favorite quotes on it. 'Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.'  I can't say how much I adore this quote.  I like all Oscar Wilde quotes, they're the best!  After changing I quickly brush through my rats nest until its as smooth and soft as it can be.  I carefully put my make up on which is foundation and mascara and little eye liner.  I glance at the clock noticing I should be on my way.  I quickly slide on my socks and black vans.  In a hurry I forget my lunch money.  As I head out the door I pick up my school bag and my keys.  

I fix the review mirror so I am looking straight at myself.

"For dad."

I adjust my hair and take a step out of the car and head towards the main doors.  As I walk I notice that everyone is wearing a school uniform.  I look at what I am wearing and think to myself now I really stand out.  But I hold my head high and walk like I belong there.  While I walk I do notice some looks geared towards me.  One group of boys catches my eyes.  Two of the boys must be twins and the other one a friend maybe?

I reach the office and walk up kindly to the secretary.

"Good morning, I am transferring here from America.  I have my papers already, but  I was just wondering what I have to do now."  I say nicely.  But the lady doesn't seem too pleased with my appearance.

"What is your name?" She says dully looking at the computer screen ready to type.

"Hope Edwards."  I hand her the papers.

"What year will you be entering."

"Year eleven."

"Okay, go into Mr.Pokens office, he'll get you set." She points in the direction in his office without eye contact.

"Thank you very much." I say with a bright smile even though she wasn't looking.

I peek my head in and knock on the door.

"Oh, please take a seat." A short stocky man says.

I smile and sit down and place down my stuff.

The secretary from before comes in and hands Mr.Poken my papers.

"Wow... you've been jumping around the whole world haven't you?" He says while flipping through the papers and leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah I guess."

"I hope you decide to stay with us for the rest of high school.  You seem to be a bright student."

"Thanks" I smile weakly.

"As you can already tell we have school uniforms, we don't have any extras at the moment but we'll be sure to get you one soon.  One of your classmates will be here soon.  He will have the same schedule as you, he'll be taking you to your classes and showing you around."

"Thank you Mr.Poken."

"If you have any questions just ask your tour guide. Ah, here he is now."

One of the twins from before walks in.

"Miss Edwards this is Mr.Brooks."  I shake the twin's hand and smile.


"Well you two should be off to class!" Mr.Poken exclaims.

"Thanks agiain." I wave goodbye and walk off with the twin.

We get to the hall way that is empty.  Great, forced conversation.



"Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you." I say

"Its alright, So whats your name?" He asks with his hands in his pockets.

"Hope, Hope Edwards, you?" I smile looking at him.

"Jai, Jai Brooks." I swear I see him blush, but he turns his head too fast.

"Its nice to meet you Jai, so whats our first class?"

We turn left down a long hallway.

"World studies, right in here.  You can sit with me." He smiles and opens the door.

"Mr. Brooks! Where ha-?" The teacher shouts at Jai but stops when she sees me.

"I was just with the newbie Hope." He walks to a seat.

"Good morning, I am sorry for interrupting class." I weakly smile.

"No, its perfectly fine.  Just take a seat." She smiles sweetly.

I nod back and sit by Jai. 

The teacher resumes her lecturing.

Hopefully this day will go well.  Maybe I'll even make some friends.

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