Chapter eight

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*A few weeks later*

A few tears trickle down my cheeks as I hug Michael and Kayla.

"I'm going to miss you two!  I'll make sure to keep in touch."  I quietly say into their shoulders.  I get up from the hug and I see Kayla in tears not able to say anything.

"I'll miss you too big sis, I'll keep Kayla company."

"I love you Michael, be a good big brother,"  I say kissing his forehead.

"Come on Hope you're flight is boarding."  Heather says grabbing my shoulder.  I start to walk away, it seems that Kayla can't handle saying goodbye.  I don't blame her, I have never been good with goodbyes either.  When I am about to hand the flight attendant my ticket I feel something clinging onto my legs.

"I don't want you to go Hope, I want you to stay here!"  Kayla cries into my legs.  I crotch down to her,

"Honey  I am sorry I have to, Michael will keep you company and I'll keep in touch, alright?" I calmly say.  She nods and hugs me one last time.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you too Kayla."  I kiss her forehead and stand up again.

"Okay you have everything correct?"  Heather asks motherly.

"Yes I do, I'll call once I land." I smile and hug Heather goodbye.  I wave goodbye to them and hand the flight attendant my ticket and find my seat.  I only had a carry on bag, because I didn't have very many belongings. 

As we are flying I take out the few belongings I did have.  All the belongings were from the accident.  I found the same picture of me and my dad from the so call four year dream.  I smile and just remembered all the memories I had with him.

The long flight from London to L.A. had finally ended.  I get up and stretch my arms.  I slowly exit the plane,  I will admit I am pretty nervous. 

I hope they all like me, I hope I loke all them. 

I find my bags and I take out a picture Heather gave me of Joan so I could find her.  I haven't really heard of her,so I am happy I have a picture to go off of.  Since I am at the airport, it's pretty fast traffic and I still have this terrible limp. I end up being pushed and shoved and to the point that I end up in a different section of the airport.


I find a starbucks and sit at one of the tables and just study the picture and look at the people passing by.

"Hope Edwards to the main entrance please, Hope Edwards to the main entrance please."  The woman on the intercom says.  I find my way to the main entrance and walk up to the desk.

"Um, hi I'm Hope Edwards, I was called down here."

"Is it really you?!" A woman squeals and walks over to me and hugs me.  I hug her back.

"I am guessing you're Joan?"

"Yes I am."  She grins. 

"Well lets get going, you need to meet the rest of the family!"  She says taking my hand and we walk outside to the parking lot and we get in a BMW.  As we drive she turns on the radio.  While she is singing along I try pick up the lyrics.  Since I was in a coma for four years I haven't heard any of these songs.  We drive up to nice sized house.  The front of the house has brick and the rest of the building is a light brown.  Joan parks in the large garage.  She leads me into the house, it's a very open house with beautiful furniture and nice hardwood floors.  We sit down on the couch in the living and start talking.

"So tell me about yourself!"  She says smiling.

"Well there is not that much to tell." I pull out the picture of my dad and I.

"This was me four years ago with my dad.. a few weeks before the accident.  It was my thirteenth birthday."  I smile looking at the picture,  its been easier about thinking or talking about him and not being depressed lately.

"After the accident I was apparently in a coma for four years, when I woke up I found out that my mom packed her bags and left.  And here we are today, with a deformed leg and a new life."

Joan seems shocked that I didn't shed a tear.  But I feel like I've grown in that four year dream,  it feels like the Janoskians are always by my side.

"Hope that's terrible, but I am happy to see you're all smiles and are strong. Do you have any dreams?"  She ask engaged in our conversation, I feel accepted by her.

"Well I've always fantasized about being a triple threat or just at least a dancer, I use to be in hip hop but then the accident crippled my leg and I'll need rehab."  I say frowning looking at my leg.

"That's is an amazing dream,  I bet you're very talented.  And don't worry I'll get you the best rehab you could possible have, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't do the best for my daughter?"

Wait what?!

"You're going to adopt me?  Are you serious?  I thought I was just an option of many girls!"

"Yes I am going to be your mom, I already adore you and I am positive that Ariana and Frankie will too."  She says grinning.  I engulf her in a hug.

"Thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me!"  I say tearing up.

"I can't wait until you meet Frankie and Ariana.  You and Ariana will be like two peas in a pod."  She smiles

I fall back into my new bed smiling ear to ear.

I can't believe I have a family now.  Joan adores me and I get to meet Ariana and Frankie tomorrow.  It's going to be a great day.





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