Kanda x Changed Akuma! reader

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(Spoiler alert if you don't know Kanda's past)
Kanda's Pov:
Kumoi sent us in a stupid chase to find to find general cross again but as always we come up with nothing except some fucking wierdo following us! This girl has been following us for a while and it's really beginning to irritate me!! Allen looked at her and sighed. "Come out we wont hurt you." The girl walked out the had (l/s) (h/c) and bright beautiful (e/c) she was wearing a (f/c) kimono with a (s/f/c) bow around her waist. "H-hello..." She appeared to be shy. I pulled my sword out when i realized she wasn't walking she was floating. She squeaked. "No wait!! I know general Cross!!" Allen stood in front of her. "You're one of the changed akuma?" She looked down and nodded. "Y-yeah..." Lenalee smiled. "I'm Lenalee the guy with the sword is Kanda, red head is Lavi and the one in front of you is Allen." She smiled. "I'm (Y/n)!" I ssighed and started walking again.

(Y/n) pov:
They knew i was an Akuma and they didn't try to kill me... well maybe except Kanda. Lenalee pulled me to the train station.
That's the day my life changed.

It's been a about a year since then and i started to develope feelings for the stoic exorcist. I was currently sitting in the training watching him train. "Quit staring.." He sighed. I stood up. "But it's fun watching you." I walked towards him. "Che baka onna." I frowned. "I get it... im a Akuma.... but i wont hurt anyone...." tears ran down my face. "H-hey dont cry.." I sniffled. "Am i just a monster..." I felt lips against mine. My eyes widen. He was kissing me!!!! I kissed back then he pulled away. "Shut up..." He wrapped his arms around my wait and buried his face in my neck. "just shut up.." I sniffled and hugged his neck. "I love you." He smiled lightly. "i love you too..." We stood there not wanting this to end... but like all good things they always do.

We were fighting Akuma and lately I haven't been feeling my self but I didn't want to worry anyone so i kept it to my self. I noticed a bullet was heading to Lavi and I jumped in front of him like I always do but... this time was different... I was hit and thrown to the ground.. i got up and sat on my knees, tearing up. "He told me this would happen." Lavi ran towards me. "(Y/n)!!!" I looked at him and he knew, I don't know how but he knew. He kneeled in front of me and grabbed my hand. "Don't be scared... okay?" I could see the tears in his eyes. "I-I'm d-dying..." He looked around and saw the Akuma were destroyed. "Guys!!! Yu!! Hurry!!!" The group came running. Yu kneeled next to me. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" I hugged him tightly. "I-I love you!! I-I wished i had more time!" He held me. "What do you mean?" I teared up. "Lavi knows he'll explain it to you..." I kissed him one last time before I faded.

Kanda's pov:
She kissed me then she turned to dust. "(Y-Y/n?)..." I glared at Lavi and picked him up by his shirt. "What happened what did you do?!" Although i wanted to I couldnt sstop the tears. "It wasnt me.... the changed Akuma's life are limited.... im sorry.." I dropped him. "Why didn't she tell me...? I wouldn't have cared...." I felt some one hug me. "Don't argue Kanda you need this..." It was Lenalee it sounded like she was crying... everyone was crying... she was gone and she wasn't coming back...

I sat on my bed, thinking about (Y/n).. it's been so long but i cant stop thinking about her. I starred at my hourglass. "So-" There was a knock on my door and the group walked in. "We're worried Yu..." I looked at my hourglass. "One more..." there was only one petal left. They looked at it and Allen spoke up. "Who cares?! Just get a new one!" I chuckled weakly. "It's not that easy Allen." He looked at me shocked. "You called me Allen...." I sighed. "Listen...." The petal started to move. "Do... me a favor... take care.... of eachother....." It fell and everything went black.

~two weeks later~
Lenalee's pov:
Today was Kanda's funeral... That hour glass was his life span... and now it was over....!! Why didn't he tell us? I couldn't control the tears. But I knew... I knew he was happy now because he was with (Y/n) again.

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