Kanda x Male! Second Excorsist! Reader

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Don't forget
(Y/n)'s pov:
I recently found out Alma Karma was killed... killed by Yu Kanda... They loved each other but after.... after those pathetic scientists did this to us!! She changed! Physically... and mentally!!! They couldn't just let us die! Why?! Why wouldn't they leave us be! I sighed and starred at the giant black building. I walked up to the European branch and walked inside. I was greated my a girl with short hair. "Hey! You must be (Y/n) (Y/l/n)!?" I nodded. "Y-yeah.." She smiled. "I'm Lenalee!" We heard a gasp. "(Y-Y/n)?!" I looked in the direction of the voice. "Hello... Yu.." I said coldly. "What are you doing here?" I sighed. "I was transfered here... but i want to know something." I think he already knew what I was going to ask bbecause he gave me a look that said 'dont you say a thing dont you fucking say a word.' I glared at him. "Why? Why did you-" "Because I had to." He said. "Why all-" "She was suffering!! It wasn't her body!! They destroyed her!" I saw Lenalee back up. "We're all suffering! She's not the only one!!" Kanda growled and pulled me into a room.

The room was pretty simple.. it must have been is. "She welcomed death... and so do I..." I frowned. "Yu... i get it.. but come on... think of this as a second chance..." He scoffed. "Not even you think of this as a second chance.." He was wrong I thought of this as a second chance.... as Alma's death a second death.... I loved Kanda... is that wrong? I was a guy... and I loved another guy... I ran my fingers through my (h/c) hair and took a deep breath.. "You're wrong... when i found out Alma died I asked to be transfered here..... to be here with you.." He growled. "Idiot! You should have stayed!" I frowned. "Yu.... please.. I'm not leaving again!" He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me closer. I yelped in pain. "Why.. don't you get it i don't want you here?!" I sighed and teared up. "I don't care if you dont want me here! I love you! And i'm not leaving!!!" He glared at me. "You really are an idiot." He smashed his lips against mine. My eyes stared into his closed ones. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. "I love you, you brat...." I smiled, blushing brightly. "I guess I have a reason to stay alive know." He nodded. "If you died... I don't know what i would do. I'd probably die.. You mean so much to me, (Y/n), when you left... my heart broke... but when I found out they brought you back as well... I cried... You never deserved this pain... And when I saw you.. standing in front of me for the first time in so long I felt a surge of emotions..." He sighed and pulled his hair out of it's pony tail. "I missed you... so...so much... I was angry at first... I honestly didn't want to believe you were alive.. again.... but I can't deny it anymore... You're right here."He started to rub my sides. "Right in front of me..." I bit my lip. "U-Um Yu..?" He looked at me and hugged my waist... I was definitely shorter then him... not as built but.... our bodies fit like puzzle pieces... I felt him take of my jacket. "Take this off..." I blushed and threw my jacket aside. He traced the tattoo that had spread down my arm then grabbed my hand, frowning. "I'm okay Yu..." He pulled me closer to his body. "I'm not leaving... not anytime soon anyway..." He looked at me. "You're reckless." I looked away. "But so am I.." He made me look at him and kissed my gently. I kissed back. He pulled away smiling. "I love you... Don't forget that.."

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