Child! Kanda x Child! reader

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~AndreaGonzalez076 here it is. Sorry for taking so long. ~
(I wanna say biologically he's about ten)
Kanda's POV:
I looked out the window of my cell like room. It was so cold and dark and empty... the door suddenly opened revealing a (h/c) haired girl. "Hello..?" I looked her, glaring intensely. Cautiously she walked towards me. "I'm (Y/n). What's yours?" I said nothing. "I'm the daughter of one of the scientists here... I was wondering if you wanted to be friends." I still said nothing. Her smile disappeared. "Sorry..." She turned around and began to walk out. "Kanda." I simply said. She turned around and looked at me. "What?"
"My name is Kanda." She smiled and sat on my bed. I looked at her shocked and scoot(if I'm wrong please tell me)  back a bit. "It's nice to meet you. Is one of the scientists your parents?" I scoffed at one. "I am not fucking related to any of those bastards." She flinched at my tone. "Ah.. I see..." She smiled. "Do you wanna play a game?"  I shook my head. She pouted. "Well do you like to read?" I nodded. She smiled. "I have a lot of books. I can bring you some!" I sighed, this girl is so persistant. She won't just leave me the fuck alone. "Che. Fine do whatever you want." She smiled. "(Y/n)!" She turned her head towards the door, her father standing in the door way. "We do not converse with the subject and you should be in your room." She sighed and walked towards him. "I just wanted to be his friend daddy." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her out. 

~time skip~
(Y/n) POV:
I snuck into Kanda's room, carrying some books. "Kanda?" He was laying on his bed then turned over looking at me. "Hm?" I smiled and put the books on his desk. "I brought you some books like I promised." He grabbed my wrist seeing some small bruises from restraints. "A-ah.. that hurts.." He looked at me. "Why are you here?" I frowned. "A while ago.. I learned I can control the elements... It turns out my innocence is para....para..." He interrupted me. "Parasitic." I nodded. "Yeah..  my father found out and brought me here.." He sighed. "What do you like to play?" I smiled. "We can play hide and seek!" I sighed. "How?" A terrifying voice boomed through the halls. "(Y/n)!!" She jumped and clinged onto me. "Daddy.... I just wanted to play!" She cried. Her father sighed. "Kanda doesn't want to play with you." Kanda  glared at him. "I do. And so does Alma." He looked around. "Everyone is gone for a couple hours. You three try to escape you'll get it worse." Kanda pulled me out and opened Alma's door. Alma looked at us. "Yu?" Kanda walked in and started whispering to Alma. Alma nodded and stood up. "Let's go!" Kanda and Alma walked towards me. "Who's it?" Kanda asked. "You!" Alma and I said in unison and ran off, laughing. I heard Kanda yelling in distance. I quickly hid in a cabinet, covering my mouth. I heard Kanda walk by mumbling. I giggled quietly and he stopped, smiling. "I heard that~"The cabinet door opened and he pulled me out. I squealed and laughed. "Nooooooo!" He tickled me. "I found you!"I tried to get away but he wouldn't let me. "Where's Alma." I puffed my cheeks out and shook my head. He smirked and tickled me more causing me to laugh harder. "Tell me!" "Never!!"  He finally stopped and I just layed there panting. "Meanie!" He smiled. "I know." I pouted, he ruffled my hair. "Don't pout. " He walked away. "Help me find Alma." I hummed in response and ran after him. "Okay!"

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