[Modern] Police! Kanda X Vic!Reader

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Kanda's Pov:
Their was a burglary in progress and I was the first on scene. I pushed open the already opened door. 'Signs of forced entry.' I heard rustling and pointed my gun at someone. It was a man he shot at me but I dodged and shot at him from behind the cover of a wall. I heard a grunt then a thud. I pushed the gun away from the suspect with my foot and checked his pulse. 'He's dead...' I walked around and heard ruffling in the.closet. 'must be the vic.' I slowly opened the door slowly, revealing a girl about 25 years old (if you're not just pretend you are) (h/l) (h/c) hair, bright (e/c). "Are you okay ma'am?" I asked putting my gun away. She nodded slowly. I gave her my hand and helped her up. "What's your name?" She had very soft, smooth skin. "(Y-Y/n)...." I lead her out side and handed her to my co worker, Officer Walker. Who began asking her questions.
They took the body and took my statement then sent me to therapy for 'shock'.

~few weeks later~
I went grocery shopping for once in a few months. "Excuse me? Officer?" I Wasn't even in my uniform. I turned around and saw the girl i saved. "I wanted to thank you..." I sighed. "There's no need to thank me." She looked at me. "Let me take you out for dinner please..?" I looked at the shorter girl. "Che. Fine." She smiled, a very beautiful smile. "I know the perfect resturant!! Meet me at (your favorite restaurant)!" I nodded and we parted ways.

~that night~
(Y/n) pov:
I got dressed in a sleeveless (f/c) dress, grabbed my (s/f/c) purse and drove to the restaurant. I parked and walked inside. I saw the officer wearing a tux and looking around. I waved. "Hey!" He blushed and smiled. "Hey." I giggled and lead him to a table. He pulled a chair out for me and i sat down then he pushed the chair in. He then sat down. "What's your name?" I asked. "Yu.. Kanda..." He mumbled. I giggled. "No need to be shy, Yu." The waiter came and took our orders then left.

Kanda's pov:
I liked the way she said my first name... what is she doing to me... I just met her... but around her i feel so different. This girl is so unique.

~after dinner cause im lazy~
We walked around for a bit, talking getting to know each other. For the first time in a while i felt like i could relax and not worry. "Hey... (Y/n)?) She looked at me, those beautiful (e/c) eyes. "Hmm?" I held both of her hands. "In just this night alone.. you've made me feel so different for the first time in so long I've felt happy and free. Just seeing you smile makes me feel happy. When I'm with you... I can be my self... I think I love you." She smiled, tearing up. "I-I love you too.. Yu..." I pushed her chin up gently and kissed her. It felt as if fireworks went off. I pulled away and nuzzled her neck. "Thank you... for saving me Yu.." She mumbled. "You're welcome, watashi no ai.."
Watashi no ai=my love
(Ooc... I know.. I'm sorry... but hey I updated!)

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