Depressed! Kanda x Male! Reader

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(PLEASE READ!! TRIGGER WARNING this chapter does have depression. Including thoughts of suicide and harm. There'll be some selfharm so please if you're in that state right now please, please do not read! And I just want to say if you're in that state. You're amazing and you'll never be alone! I love you all my friends!! Now on with the story

Kanda's pov:
I glared at my hourglass. It's just another reminder that I have to live another day of my worthless life. I've tried many ways to end it but it never works... im stuck until the very last petal witheres away and falls. I have only one person who knows about my hour glass (Y/n). He walked in on me in one of my weak states.

I was sitting in my room tears running down my face. "Why couldn't they just let me die.... Alma is gone.... everyone i knew is dead..... why can't I be?! For some stupid expariment?!" I was interrupted when some one knocked on my door. "Kanda are you okay? I hear yelling..." His quiet voice spoke through the door, slightly muffled. "Leave me alone (Y/n)!" The door opened revealing (Y/n) in only a tank top and plaid pajama pants. "Kanda you've been crying what's wrong?" He slowly closed the door and cautiously walked towards me. I glared at him. "(Y/n)!! Leave me be!!" He hugged me. "Yu.. I'm here for you please... just don't push me away anymore..." That did it. All those emotions from all this years just came out right then and there. I held into him as if he was going to disappear... I buried my head in his shoulder. He rubbed my back, holding me close. "Yu.. please" as soon as i calmed down i told him everything. When I was done I expected him to leave but he ddidn't. He hugged me. "Yu... I'll always be here for you.. thank you for opening up to me...
~flash back end~
(Y/n) was on a mission and hasn't returned yet. I stared at the razor in my hand. I made the others believe i was okay, that I was just cold but strong. I never thought it would get this bad. Blood was dripping onto my bathroom floor. My door opened. "Yu? I just got back, where are you?" I gasped and put my coat on, hissing slightly. I cleaned up the mess then walked out. "Sorry... hey..." His face was bandage and his jacket was opened revealing his bandaged torso. "What happened?" I asked. He laughec nervously. "Oh you know me. I'm reckless." I sat on my bed."you need to be more careful." He sat next to me and ran his hand through his (h/l) (h/c) hair (if you don't have hair then you played with his pony tail)

(Y/n) pov:
I looked at him then I saw.blood on his sleeve. "Yu... you're bleeding..." He moved away from me. "I was practicing with Mugen and I cut my self.." I frowned and grabbed his arm, yanking his sleeves up, revealing red lines littering his smooth pale skin. I chocked back a sob. "Yu... is this because of what you told me... why didn't you tell me you felt this way! You should have told me.. i would have helped you.." He looked away from me. "Yu where are they?" He ignored me. I hugged his stomach. "Please I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore... I...I love you.. so much..." I felt him stiffen then he sighed. "In the mirror.." I stood up and walks to the bathroom, quickly finding the razors and throwing them out his window.

Kanda's pov:
I watched him throw it out the window then walked towards me. "I meant what i said, Yu, I love you. I do mean it..." I stood up and hugged his waist "I love you too... thank you..." He hummed and nuzzled my chest. "For?" "For mending my broken heart..."

So Kanda turned out more OOC then i had wanted and originally planned so sorry for that.. and this is really long too. But yeah here ya go! Until next time my friends.

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