Dying! Kanda x Reader

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(Y/n)'s Pov:
I sat next to Kanda's bed, he looked so weak and pale. He was breathing softly and his heart was beating so slow. it pained me to see him like this. There were only three petals left and I knew... I knew he had little time left.I watched him in silence  while remembering things about us. 
~flash back~
I walked into the black order and all eyes were on me. Lenalee walked up to me. "You must be (Y/n) (L/n)?" i nodded. "Yeah that's me!" She introduced me to every one. "And the blue haired one is Kanda." I looked over at the corner he was stalking in, the same stoic more like pissed off look on his face. He 'tsked' and walked away.
~flash back over~

There were only two petals left now. I pet his hair. "(Y-Y/n)..?" I looked at him and smiled softly. "Hey..." His hand tightly gripped my hand. "You know... I love you.." I bit my lip and nodded. "I love you too Yu..." He chuckled wearily and looked at his hourglass. "It's not going to be long..." I teared up. "Will... It feels nice when you do that..." He mumbled and nuzzled my hand. "Hold me..." I crawled onto the bed and he laid his head on my lap.  "Remember... Remember when I told you how....how I felt..." He whispered. I nodded and giggled. "More like showed me."
~le another flashback~
I practiced using (your weapon) alone. It was kinda like a lazy day for me so I needed something to do. "Oi. Baka." I looked over at him. "What do you want?" I sighed, tying my hair in a pony tail. (If you don't have long hair then you don't.) "I want to talk to you." He mumbled, a small pink dust on his cheeks. "What is it?" I spoke softly. "Nevermind forget it." Kanda began to walk out,  I grabbed his wrist. "Yu Kanda. I swear you better tell me right now." He grit his teeth. "Or what?" I smirked. "I'll braid your hair. I've done it before I'll do it again." He sighed and turned around. "You wouldn't."
"Oh I wou-" He crashed his lips against mine, my eyes widen. He was kissing me! I felt him pull away. "Tsk... I should have known." He turned away and started to walk out. "Wait!" I hugged him from behind. "Wait... I love you..!" He turned around in my arms and hugged me back. "Tsk... I love you too baka."
~flashback over~

I teared up as another petal fell. "One.... More...." His breathing became shallow and he became paler then he already was. I knew it was going to happen but I couldn't help it. "Yu... I love you so much.." I grabbed his hand and ran my fingers through his hair. "I-I love you too...." He said barely above a whisper. I cried as I watched the last petal fall and he stopped breathing. "Yu... Yu..? N-No!" I knew it was happening but I wasn't prepared.  He's actually gone... I couldn't believe it. I heard a gasp then someone pull me away. "(Y/n)?! What... what happened?!" I sobbed and clinged onto her, explaining everything.

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