Kanda X pregnant! Reader

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(Y/n) pov:
My heart stopped, my mind was racing with questions but one thing topped the rest Yu is going to be so mad... I starred at the test in my hands. I was happy but also scared. What if he didn't want a baby... I heard a knock on my door and Lenalee spoke. "(Y/n)." I sighed. "Come in..." She walked in and looked at me. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" I sighed and handed her the test. She looked at it. "Oh. Have you told him?" I shook my head. "No... what if he doesn't want it..." She hugged me. "I'll go with you... come on..."
We both walked to Kanda's room and Lenalee knocked. "What?" I heard him snap. "Yu... it's me.. I need to talk to you.." I heard him sigh. "Come in.." I slowly walked in side and closed the door behind me. "What is it?" He asked, concern evident in his voice. "Promise you won't be mad..." Yu stood up and walked towards me. "I promise just tell me." I ssighed. "I-I'm pregnant..." He stiffened up. "What?!" He yelled. "Y-Yu.. please." Tears began to roll down my face. "No! Get out! Just get out!!" The door opened and Lenalee pulled me out, slamming the door. "I'm sorry.. i can't believe him.." I clinged to her. "What am I going to do?!" Let's just go to your room for now." She took me to my room where i just sobbed until i feel asleep.

Lenalee's pov:
She's asleep... good. I walked out and looked for Kanda. I saw Lavi and waved at him. "Have you seen Kanda?" Lavi nodded. "Komui just gave him a mission and he rushed out." I sighed. " i was going to kick his ass..." Lavi laughed. "What did he do?" I shook my head and walked away. "Never mind." I walked to my room feeling a bit sorry for (Y/n).

~5 months later~
(Y/n) pov:
Yu still hasn't returned or even wrote to me... I looked at my belly and teared up. "He's not gonna come back.. I'm sorry baby.." I rubbed my belly gently and felt the baby kick. I giggled. "I can't wait to see you." Another kick. I yawned. "Are you going to let me sleep?" The kicking stopped and I fell asleep not soon after.

~4 months later~
I was due any day now and he still hasn't returned, I was so worried about him but I know he probably wasn't even thinking of me... I felt a sharp pain in my lower region and water run down my legs. I screamed in pain. "Ah! Lenalee!!!" She was here in a second and helped me into the infirmary.

~after all that~
I smiled and looked at the pink bundle in my arms. "Hey..." Lenalee squealed quietly. "Awww!" I smiled. I heard arguing outside then the door opened revealing Kanda... He starred at me and my baby shocked. "I'll leave you two alone.." Lenalee walked out and closed the door behind him. His face was slightly cut up and his jacket was opened revealing basically his entire chest and stomach bandaged. "(Y-Y/n)..." I teared up and held my baby close to me. "What are you doing here?" He sighed. "I was off on a mission but I had time to think... I'm sorry... I really am. I love you so much.. will you please just give me another chance." I saw tears running down his face. I looked at my daughter then at him. "Do...do you want to hold her?" He nodded and held his arms out. I gently placed her in his arms. Yu looked so memorized by her. "H-Hey..." he looked at me. "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you... I'll never leave you again." He sat next to me and layed my head against his side. "Hey Yu?" I asked, he looked at me. "Hm?" I smiled. "Why don't we name her Alma Lotus Kanda..." He looked at me eyes wide then at her. "Alma..?" I nodded, he smiled and nodded. "Alright." We heard a small squeal from Alma and both chuckled and we knew nothing would split us apart again.

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