Kanda X Kuudere! Reader.

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                                                                         What is Love?
(A/n: so I love this song. I kinda thought it would be good for this chapter. Also I'm sorry ShodowMare101 if it's not that good and for taking so long to update.)
(Y/n)'s pov:
After what happened... After the Earl killed my family. I could still hear the screams of people trying to run away. My parents made me  hide so I wouldn't be hurt. I hid watching everyone be covered by black stars then turning to dust. Everyone in my town was killed. I was the only survivor. From that day on I vowed to  destroy the Earl make him pay and to never be scared again.

Now I'm an exorcist. I see everyone crying over their fallen comrades, but I don't feel a thing, I couldn't, I never let my emotions get the best of me not since then.  There was only one other person who was leaning against a wall like me and that was Yu Kanda. He just watched the others along with me, keeping a stoic look on his face.

Allen walked to us, glaring. "Are you two just going to stand there?! We just lost our friends!" I shook my head and walked away.

Kanda's pov:
I glared at that idiot Moyashi. "They were just Finders, we can always get more." Moyashi growled. "They were people too Kanda!!" I glared at him and walked away. I saw (Y/n) walk into her room and followed her. "(Y/n)?" She looked at me, keeping the stoic look on her face. "Yes Kanda?" "What are you doing?" "I'm going into my room... it doesn't matter does it?" I sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her into her room. "What is your problem Kanda?! Let me go!" She growled as she struggled against my grip. Her room was very plain except for a picture of her family.  "What happened to them?" (Y/n) looked at the picture, her eyes softening then she looked away. "None of your business..." "Tsk I saw that. You're not as tough as you think baka." She growled at me. "Neither are you BaKanda!! Just stay out of my business!!" I pulled her into a hug, she stopped fighting me and sighed. "Kanda.. just let me go." I shook my head. "Urusai. Both of us are a like in many ways." She looked up at me, glaring intensely. "We are not alike. At all." "I lost someone I care about." "What was her name?" (A/n: normally I don't do this in middle of a story but spoil alert.) "Her name was Alma Karma. We were in love but something...someone prevented us from being together.. she died recently.." She sighed. "I had innocence... and the Akuma came and attacked my town. My parents had me hide in the basement.. I was so scared that I didn't do anything... I just watched as my entire town was murdered.. from that day I vowed never to be scared again." I sighed and looked at her softly. "There's no way you can not feel scared. You have  to feel something..." "I am not weak... If I don't feel then-" "Then what? Quit the act you can't feel nothing." I believe that was the last straw for her. Tears ran down her face as she quietly sobbed. Her walls she had bulit up all these years had came crashing down. Everything she felt since that day finally came to the surface. I held her close ad rubbed her, her sobs slowly turned to sniffles. "Do you feel any better?" She nodded and wiped her eye. "Please don't tell anyone about this anymore." I nodded my head and picked her up. "Come on it's late." I gently set her on her bed and tucked her in. "Wait... Kanda.... Don't leave me please." I nodded and laid next to her. She snuggled up to me and I held her close. "Goodnight, chibi."  "Goodnight Bakanda." We both fell asleep resting peacefully for the first time in a while.


Urusai:shut up


Chibi: small/adorable(depends on how you use it)


Hey guys it's Asuna. I'm not entirely sure if I like how it came out.. but I really needed to update. If anyone has any requests comment them and I will do them and I will try to update but SAT is coming up so I will be studying for that. 

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