Kanda x Depressed reader.

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Requested by RikkuNeko

(A/n: TRIGGER warning please do not read if you are depressed. You are not alone and I know I say this alot but I mean it. If you're feeling down. I'm here I'll listen. You are not alone)


                Never Alone
(Y/n) walked into the hotel room she had to share with Yu kanda. She set her stuff on the bed and sat down. Sighing deeply she pulled her sleeves down, covering her scar and cut littered wrist. No one was aware of what she was doing. She hated to bother people with her problems. Kanda walked in and sat on his bed. He slid his coat off. "We'll look for the innocence in the tomorrow. You better be up because I will not wait for you." She sighed and nodded. "I'm going to take a shower.." She stood up and walked to the bathroom. Kanda watched as she entered and closed the door. "Che." He stood up and walked to her bag looking through it. Something sharp cut his fingers, quickly he pulled his hand back. Three if his fingers were cut up, blood ran down his hand onto the carpet. "Fuck!" He looked again carefully and pulled several razors out. "Dammit..." He threw them in the trash and pushed it under the table.

(Y/n) walked out of the bathroom wearing (what ever you like to wear for pajamas). "I'm out." She laid in bed and got under the covers and watched Kanda walk into the bathroom. Tears began to run down her face as she remembered her friend and what happened to him and all the other people she felt she had failed to save.

She was 14 and happy her village was small and nothing was out of the ordinary. One day she walked into a shop and saw one of her friends browsing the junk food. "Sam! It's been awhile... how have you been?" He just looked at her blankly. "When's your brother's funeral?" He still said nothing. "Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it? I know you two were close... I can't imagine how you feel." He smiled creepily. "Sam?" He changed to an akuma and pointed it pointed the guns at her. She looked at him shocked. "What..?" Suddenly she was pushed put of the way and the akuma was destroyed. "Are you okay?" She looked up and saw snow white hair and a kind smile. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) teared up. "Where's Sam..?" Allen frowned. "He's dead... he's been dead for a while..." She cried. "No... We did everything together and...and his brother just died... why..? How..?" Allen helped her up and explained everything to her. He brought her to the Black order where they found out she was an accommodater.

(Y/n) sniffled. She blamed herself for what happened. She believed she could have saved him although Allen told her she couldn't. Everytime someone dies she blames herself. She looked through her bag finding nothing. "Wh-what?"I could have sworn-" Kanda walked out. "I threw them out." She looked at Kanda shocked. "why..?" He walked to her, yanking the blanket off and grabbed her hand. "Why do you do this to yourself?" (Y/n) teared up. "I'm weak... People die because I can't save them..." Kanda sighed. "You can't save everyone. Trust me.. we've all learned that the hard way. You're not weak. You're strong..." She tried to wipe her eyes but the tears kept flowing. "I'm not strong..! I'm not-" Kanda pulled her into a hug. "You are, you truly are. you are only of the strongest people I know.." She cried into his chest. "I love you (Y/n." She looked at him shocked. "Kan-" He looked at her. "I don't want you to feel like this anymore. Let me help you." The tears stopped flowing and she smiled slightly. ""Okay Kanda.." He pet her hair as she laid her head on his chest. "I love you too." She whispered

She stopped hurting herself, yes there was a few bumps and sometimes it seemed impossible but he never left her side and he helped her, never once leaving when it got hard. 

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