The wait for the big day

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Rachel's POV:

I woke up and got out of Cristiano's arms. I took a bath, bathed and packed my bag. I came back in Cristiano's room, kissed him on his forehead and left.

I went down and Ben was waiting with my breakfast.

"Thank you Ben but I won't eat today, I am going to make Cristiano's breakfast. When he wakes up give him" I said.

"Mam won't you meet sir and go" he asked me.

"I can't see him for today. We made a promise to each other" I told him.

I quickly went in the kitchen. Made eggs and squeezed fresh orange juice for him. I came out said goodbye to Ben. I took my bag and went out. I was about to get in the car and my phone buzzed.

I took out my phone from my pocket and I saw a text from Cristiano.

"Next time when you come back to our home you will be Mrs Rachel Cristiano Ronaldo. You will be mine forever and ever."

I replied to him "I love you baby and you were always mine."

I got in the car and went to Cristiano's parents home. I will be living with them. I didn't wanted to stay at a hotel. Mom and dad are at the hotel.

I reached their home and went in. Everyone was sleeping so I went to Cristiano's room and slept.

Cristiano's POV:

I woke up and changed. I have practise in an hour. I went down and called Ben.

"Morning sir" he said.

"Where is my breakfast. Morning Ben" I said to him.

"It is served" he told me.

I went and started to eat it and when I took the first bite of the egg i knew Ben didn't make it.

"When did Rachel make it" I asked Ben.

"Before going sir" he replied.

I ate the breakfast and I went out. I sat in the car and called the love of my life.

Ring ring ring.

"Hello morning baby" Rachel said.

"Morning sexy" I said and laughed.

"Shut up. You going for training" she asked me.

"Yup in the car on the way" I told her.

"I can't wait to be with you" she said.

"I miss you too" I told her.

"Did u like the breakfast?" she asked me.

"I loved it and I knew it in the first bite" I replied.

"When will you go home" she asked me.

"Late night. The practice will go on till 10pm " I told her.

"Give me a kiss" she said.

I started kissing her through the phone and I didn't notice that I was in the changing room and all my friends were looking at me.

They started laughing.

"Who is laughing" she asked me.

"Baby I am in the changing room" I told her.

"Aww and now they are laughing at you. Come on you change I'm gonna sleep more. Love you baby" she said.

"Love you too will call you when I get home" I said and disconnected the phone.

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The journey of becoming Mrs Rachel Cristiano Ronaldo :)Where stories live. Discover now