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| Mark's POV |

It was late, and I wanted to play a game with Jack. Clearly he was still awake, judging by that picture he sent of Ken and Felix cuddling.

I'm booooored


Want to do some 1 vs. 1 Gang Beasts?


My character was red and looked like a drunk, middle aged man with a combover. Jack's character was green and had a costume resembling a luchador wrestler. The setting was a subway station, with trains occasionally rushing by. The first round took forever, so Jack hopped down on the tracks and sang as a train ran over him. "If you love me, let me go!" (+10 gem points if you know the song and band)
I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt, and Jack did a spot on impression of it, which made me laugh even more. The next setting was an endless highway, with two trucks speeding side by side. Little did I know, there were road signs coming up, and Jack jumped out of the way, while I got smacked and was sent flying. I went into a fit of laughter, but Jack's laugh sounded forced. I ignored this thought and continued playing. When I looked at him through the Skype call, his smile
looked fake. I couldn't put it off any longer, so I asked him about it. "Jackaboy, are you doing okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied.
"Are you sure?" I pushed the question a bit.
"I said I was fine," Jack snapped a bit.
"Okay, how about we call it a night?" I suggested, seeing that something was obviously wrong. He coughed a bit, and without even saying 'goodbye' or 'goodnight', he hung up. I was taken aback by his abruptness, and I got worried. I decided to go check on him tomorrow, so I prepared some videos. I couldn't stop worrying about him, but I finally fell asleep.

I was woken up by the sound of a notification from Twitter on my phone. I saw the time, 10:00. It was later than I intended to wake up, but at least I didn't sleep until noon. I unlocked my phone and saw that Jack tweeted something.
"Sorry guys, won't be uploading today. Feeling pretty sick"
This was immediate red flag. Jack had one of the most consistent upload schedules I have ever seen. I texted him that I was coming to his house, and grabbed a granola bar on my way out. I ran to his apartment, passing the bar we met at along the way. Arriving at his door, I knocked a few times and caught my breath. After a minute, the door opened to a walking blanket burrito. Jack looked horrible, and he sneezed before talking.
"Come in, Mark," Jack said quietly, opening the door wider and purposely not making eye contact.
"I know something's up. What's going on?" I asked, concern showing in my voice. He sat down on the couch, and I sat down next to him. He tucked his head into the blanket, and I thought he was going to disappear forever. He slowly brought his head back out, still not making eye contact with me. Jack closed his eyes and exhaled before speaking. "There's something I've been hiding, and I don't want you to tell anyone else..."

-| AN |-
I personally kind of hate cliffhangers, but I put one in this story. Yeah, I can be evil.

You guys can probably guess what's going to happen. My plots are literally the most expected plots in the history of plots. Comment what you think is going to happen.

Shoutout to MelchiorFlyer and one of their septiplier fanfics 'Table 15' for the blanket burrito bit (I think, I feel like I'm quoting the wrong story but I feel like it's correct, forgive me if I failed)

Also, I seem to update at like 1-2 am (USA Eastern time), and I have no idea why. Sorry about grammar and spelling errors, it's late, but I like writing anyways.

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