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(Don't play the song yet)

| Mark's POV |

Walking back home, I had this sinking feeling. I facepalmed and realized my mistake. Shit.
'Why did I only call him my friend? His laugh is infectious and bubbly. His energy spreads throughout the room, and his smile always makes my day. I... I think I love him.'

I really wanted to make it up to him.

Wanna go get some coffee later?

I could see that he read the text, but he didn't respond. I fucked up. I just ruined my chances with Jack.

I got back to my house, uploaded my videos for the day, and ate ice cream. I was the typical girl after a heartbreak. I was crying in my room in the dark, eating ice cream, and listening to sad songs. I stayed like that for almost two hours, and then I heard my phone go off.

Sure, what time?

I wiped my tears off my face but didn't turn down the music.

It's kinda late, but is 9:00 okay?

Sounds good

Meet me at the Starbucks near the bar, okay?


I was trying to redeem myself of friend-zoning him. I had about three hours before our 'date', so I took a shower and took a shot at taming the floof. I soon gave up and put on my red and black flannel with black skinny jeans. Since I had time, I recorded a short video and looked through some Twitter comments. Someone asked:
"Is septiplier real? You guys have been doing a lot of collabs lately"

I wish. I didn't know if he felt the same way or not. I then realized the time, and it was 15 minutes until 9:00. I left, wanting to get there early.

By the time I got there, it was 8:55, and I ordered a simple black coffee for Jack and a Double Chocolatey Chip Frappuccino (one of my personal favorites) for myself. I found a small table in the corner and waited a few minutes before Jack showed up. I stood up and waved him over.
"How long were you waiting? I hope I didn't keep you long," Jack worried.
"Oh, I purposely got here a bit later, and here's your coffee. I know you like it black." I handed him the cup, and he beamed. We sat down at the table, sitting across from each other.
"Thank you, Mark. How much do I owe you?" He asked, reaching for his wallet in his back pocket. I leaned over the table a bit and put my hand on his forearm.
"You don't have to, my treat." I smiled. Not wanting any awkward silences, I continued with a simple question. "So, what are your thoughts on No Man's Sky?"
"There's a lot of farming to do, and those sentinels are a pain in the ass, but it's so pretty."
"It's so cool. I love how there are billions and billions of galaxies, and here we are, living on a small planet. I wish I could go into space." (cue song)
"True." Jack just sat there and took in what I said.
"Got a bit deep there," I admitted and scratched the back of my neck. A blush tinted his cheeks, and I almost leaned over the table and kissed him. He was that cute.

After blabbering on about space and other games, I felt like I made up for my mistake earlier. We were talking so much that neither of us finished our drinks. We were there for about two hours, just talking and enjoying each other's company. It was getting late, so we got up and walked out together. I felt his right hand brush up against my left, and my face flushed a deep red.
"Bye Markimoo." He winked at me, and I didn't realize I could, but I blushed even more.
"B-bye Jackaboy." I stuttered a bit and mentally facepalmed myself. He laughed a bit before we went our separate ways. I smiled to myself, proud of how our 'date' went.
'In the whole wide universe, I'm lucky I met you.'

-| AN |-
I might make a love story (not septiplier, sorry) some time in the near future (self promo, no shame)

Also, if you liked this story so far, maybe you could recommend it to a friend in the fandom. Sorry, but it would really make my day.

So my snapchat account is being a bitch and not working and I'm gonna lose my streaks. They weren't that long but still. I swear I'm gonna lose my sanity but I already lost it 🙃

roses are red
cacti are prickly
holy shit that escalated quickly


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