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| Mark's POV |

I was back in the bathroom and took another towel to dry my hair.
'Floof the hair FOR POWER!'
I heard a knock at the door and opened it. I'm surprised that I didn't notice that he also took my pajama pants. Even though I was annoyed with him, he looked cute in my clothes.
"Here's your shirt. I didn't know you were going to wear it." Jack had it unbuttoned, slid it off his shoulders, then handed it to me. I honestly have not noticed Jack's curves before. He scratched the back of his neck, causing the pajama pants to slip down an inch, since they were a bit loose.
'Oh God, I need to stop staring.'
"Oh, thanks." I finally remembered what he came in here for.
"If you don't mind, I'll be going through your closet." He turned to leave the bathroom, and I saw what I had been trying to forget. The crack looked deeper than it had when he showed it to me.

I tried to get it off my mind by getting dressed and fixing my hair. When I walked out, I saw Jack sitting on the couch, watching reruns of Gravity Falls. This time, he had on my blue and black flannel. I sat down next to him, a question burning in my head.
"Jack," I started. He muted the TV and turned towards me. "W-what are we?"
"I'm not sure."
"Can we be... m-more than friends?" I took his hands in mine. He nodded and smiled, leaning forward. So close that our foreheads met, and I gazed into his eyes. They radiated with joy, energy, and something I couldn't place at first. His striking blue now iced over with apprehension. I did the thing that seemed so perfect for the moment. I closed the gap. Our lips came together, too quickly and too softly. A simple peck with the ghost of a feeling. He looked back into my eyes and put his hands on my face, pulling me in. We held there for a few seconds, wanting something meaningful and sweet. I could taste the sugary cereal on his lips. After we parted, he laid down and put his head on my lap. I played with his hair and watched TV with him, enjoying the comfortable silence.
'I hope this is enough.'

| Jack's POV |

I woke up and found a small pillow under my head, instead of the comforting warmth of someone's legs. Accidentally knocking  the blanket off of the couch, I got up and looked around the dimly lit room. The TV was turned off, as were the lights.
'Did Mark leave me here? No, he wouldn't have...'
I walked over to the window and found a neon green sticky note on the door next to it. It read
"Wear that blue flannel and a pair of jeans. Go to the place where we had a deep conversation about space.       -Markimoo"
I buttoned up the shirt and found a nice pair of black jeans in Mark's closet.

I tucked the sticky note into my pocket and set out for Starbucks. As soon as I stepped into the place, the barista acknowledged me.
"Oh, you must be Jack." I looked back at them with confusion. After about a minute, they handed me a cup of black coffee. I reached for my wallet, but they stopped me. "You don't have to pay. Someone bought it for you." I raised an eyebrow and saw writing in black Sharpie before taking a sip.
"Go to the place where I first met you.
I thanked the barista and headed to that bar. Getting closer to it, I saw another neon green sticky note on the door.
"Follow the sticky note road.
Surely enough, I saw a sticky note farther down the sidewalk. I jogged along and followed the path. A few turns here and there, and I found myself at a park. Through a clearing, I saw a gazebo lit up with white fairy lights. I stepped up into the middle of it, and a pair of hands covered my eyes.
"Guess who?" Before I even guessed, I turned around and hugged Mark. He took the empty coffee cup from my hand and set it down. After breaking the hug, he immediately got down on one knee and pulled a small box out of his pocket. He opened it, and inside was a plastic pink ring.
"Sean, will you be my boyfriend?"

-| AN |-
happy birthday to me
I know it's short but sorry
it's vital to the story
they'll get longer, you'll see

yay me for deciding to try mid-chapter POV switches
hope it's not too confusing or annoying

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