Belle Reve

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Belle Reve Penitentiary

Victoria Connors

"Alright lock and load, chow time sweetness" Griggs said, I couldn't stand when he would call me that, it annoyed the shit out of me. I was in my cell rolling my eyes at his annoying voice, you think I wanna fucking eat?? They serve shit here. 

I walked over to the door, the little window they had where the guards talked through or gave us or food. They think I'm dangerous to them? Oh please I robbed a couple of stores and shot someone once in the arm from shooting a bank up, I'm not that crazy or dangerous.

"Oh come on Vicky put a smile on that face of yours" he said, I gave the death stare at him. "Don't me call me Vicky!" I said, he laughed throwing his head back.

"What are you gonna do about it? Behind these metal sealed shut doors you can't do shit sweety" "Just give me my fucking food!!!" I yelled. "The usal Connors, got some rat shit too" he said with a smirk as I grabbed the food from his hand. "Piss off" I said. "You better watch your words little lady, don't wanna have to have the whole crew here after you like we did to Deadshot." He said shutting the little window.

You get jailed for stealing jewls and money and shooting up a bank and they serve you some rat fungus on a bun? I threw the food off to the ground, annoyed by everything.

I sat on my small bed I had, looking out the only window I had that was so small I couldn't see shit.

I been in Belle Reve Penitentiary for three years now, the sentence they gave me? Oh yeah 6 FUCKING YEARS and I only been here for 3.

The others well they been here longer and man are they something.

Harley Quinn damn is she something, girls fucking crazy worse than me.

Deadshot he shoots people for a living, sarcastic guy too might add. 

El Diablo guy won't even come out of his place they put him in, gotta feel bad for him tho.

Killer Croc guys a real hanibal like fuck, ain't scared of him tho.

That was the whole crew here, some I don't even know or talk to, but them I don't talk to them but I know who they are like how can you not know?

Anyways Belle Reve is are big place I'm surprised. If only I could get the fuck out of here.


Rick Flag

"Amanda these people are nothing but trash, we can't put them back on the streets! I can make a better army than these morons" I said, I was frustrated, Amanda Waller wants to have these idiots on the street oh hell no.

"You have no say Rick, it's already done and ready to be begin." She said, she handed me the papers of two other inmates. "These two, both robbers, one in Australia another in Gotham City.

"Captain Boomerang, caught robbing 5 banks in Australia stealing diamonds, he doesn't work with others very well but we can change that."

"Who caught him?" I asked. "Let's just say one of the fastest people out there." She said, as I flipped to the next page, showing a girl with dark hair, looking around the age of 25.

"Victoria Connors, now you'd think these two were in on robbing banks together, she stole jewels from many jewelry stores all over Gotham, robbed one of the banks too, shot up the place leaving three wounded."

"How did you catch her?" "Oh a little bat found her, running from the bank after it being almost blown to pieces, he tracked her down and brought her into NYPD." "Shit, so what is she useful for?" I said, she smirked. "I saved the best for last, she senses when someone is coming a mile away, to give you a heads up before a war begins, also she knows how to threw a wicked puch, girl took boxing lessons just in case anyone was to catch her." "A lot that can do when the bat got her" I said purring the papers down on the table.

"I can't do this, not with these people they are useless." "Then your darling lady friend will no longer be yours, before you know it June will not be here, it will be Enchantress your dealing with, now I don't think you'd want that" she said, the sly look she gave, she was right I have no choice. "Start Task Force X" I'll meet these clowns in Midway City.


Victoria Connors

"Open the door fellas" I overhead. "What the hell do you want? I been quite, I haven't bitten one of your staff members like last time." Giffs laughed.

"Your cute, try anything stupid when I open this door and my men over here, will trancalize you." I laughed. Sure asshole whatever you say.

The door opened and you think I would have just stayed here waiting to see what happened?? Nope, I ran at them kicking screaming throwing punches and kicking Griggs in the shin.

"Fuck, you crazy bitch! Don't shoot, shock her!" I heard I punched another guard in the face, soon I felt the electric shock hitting my body knocking me to the ground and the last thing I heard was.

"Now that, is one messed up girl"

Hello!! First chapter, thought I'd write it! I did the writing differently putting it on the right side I wanna see how that goes, I've seen someone use that style for their books so for this one I'll probably have it on the right side. Not in italics on this one lol gonna try something different.

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