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Victoria Connors

We finally found the shelter area that was right next to the subway, Rick wanted us to go into some building that was a half a block away, yet we sat and rested for a bit.

I noticed that my arm where Digger hit me with his boomerang was worse and bleeding even more I didn't even notice till now.

"Shit Vic, your arm." I heard Diablo say, as I looked at it, damn from all the dirt and crap and cuts I got from the attack, Diggers cut he gave me on my arm was still bleeding. "God damnit" I mumbled. "Yo Flag!" I heard Deadshot yell out as Rick started to make is way over.

Digger was leaning against the brick wall in the alley we were in, as I noticed him glance over, he had a face on him that was like "I really didn't mean to throw that at you love" look yet I know he did it on purpose.

"What seems to be the problem?" Rick said with his hands on his hips. "Victoria is bleeding, from Diggers little incident before" Deadshot said as he pointed at Digger with a intense stare. "For christ sakes, I said I didn't mean for it to aim at her!" He protested as he smoked his cigarette. "Yet it still happened Boomer" Harley said, as she wrapped something around my arm as hissed. "Is it that bad?" Rick said. "It's still bleeding, so it's that bad Flag" Deadshot said, getting pissy at him. "Watch it" he said pointing at Deadshot "Alright, I'll get the first aid kit." He said walking away.

The others gave a weak smile at me as they walk a bit over to the side to themselves. As I heard foot steps walking over to me, Digger sat down on the concrete of the ally next to me lighting a cigarette again. "Look..." he hesitated "I'm sorry that hit you, I really didn't mean for it to aim and cut you" he said with a slight chuckle. "Yeah, well it still did...I know you did it on purpose tho." I said, he scoffed. "What is it with you thinkin I'd do that to you on purpose?" I looked at him as he blew the smoke out of his mouth. "Because, your a total ass who would do anything just to push my buttons." He laughed leaning his head against the ally wall. "Ah your something" he said. I shook my head, looking up at the sky, you could see it from in the ally, I sighed.

I missed being out, I missed the city, sure I'm fucked up and dangerous to some but being out was my life, stealing riches that too. But still I missed it.

"Here!" I heard Rick say as he walked over. "First clean it up cause it looks like a slice. Second the bandage, don't need it sewed so it should be ok" he said handing me the first aid kit. "Thank you Rick" I said taking it and opening it up. "No problem, after we settle a bit were going back out there! Need to get to the top of that building" he pointed at. "So rest up or whatever you do before a fight." He said walking back to his crew.


I cleaned the cut, as Digger was smoking, Harley was looking at her new phone, Deadshot looking up at the sky, Diablo was across from me looking to the street, Katana was over with Rick, as Croc was on my right growling like usual.

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