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Victoria Connors

We left the room shortly after finding out we came all this way just to save Amanda Waller, what was the point in taking us out of prison to do this? And then get sent back to prison, it made me furious!

I looked over at Digger his face was completely pissed like he was ready to start a riot even if it cost him his life.

I sighed as I walked next to him, we followed the group all the way up the steps to the top of the buildings roof top to get on to a helicopter. Today was useless, it was basically almost 2am and now where gonna be sent back to prison after all this??

"I hate this!" I mumbled. "Cheer up princess at least we got out for once." Digger said, this time I turned to him full on anger. "Really? Cheer up? What is there to fucking cheer up about! I hate that rat hole of a prison, after doing all this we should at least get some reward!" I basically almost yelled. Digger chuckled as he turned to me "Gotta suck it up princess" I rolled my eyes, he was back to his old self again, being a asshole.

We all stood on top of the roof as we saw the helicopter coming close to us, I sighed knowing I'll never get out again and that this was the only freedom I got.

"Double a27 do you copy?" I heard GQ say into his radio. No response. "A27 do you read?" Still no one responded back to him. I glanced over at Digger as he gave a look of confusion rasing his eye brow up. "Boss they aren't responding!" GQ said, Rick looked up noticing the helicopter wasn't stopping and coming closer to us.

"Our bird as been high jacked! God dammit, LIGHT IT UP!!"

He yelled as everyone started shooting, it was going in slow motion I couldn't even posses what was happening, I saw the helicopter shooting at us with this huge lazers, as everyone started ducking.

"Victoria look out!" I heard Digger yell, I then saw the lazer aiming at me, but I couldn't move I was like a deer in the head lights, before I could react, Digger pulled my arm, pulling me away from the lazer as I fell on top of him behind two boxes that became our cover.

Noticing the lazer was 5 inches away from striking me.

I shook my head, breathing hard, as I placed my hands on Digger's chest, I looked down at him noticing he was already looking up at me with a grin. His hands were placed on my waist again making me shiver. "You alright there princess?" He asked me as my eyes were in shock still processing what happened. I nodded.

"Y-Yes..." was all I managed to get out, he gave a genuine smile as I moved off of him hiding behind the box as he did too.

Who the hell would hack the helicopter?? Those weird creatures? It can't be they aren't that smart enough.

"HARLEY!" I heard Deadshot yell out, taking me out of my thoughts. I quickly looked over the box to see Harley walking towards the helicopter. I gasped. "HARLEY NO!" I yelled ready to get up as Digger grabbed my arm pulling me back down. "What are you nuts?!" He asked me. "She's gonna get killed! We have to do something" I said as I went to get up again, yet he pulled me back down holding both my arms making me look at him. "Vic, we can't do anything! Don't be stupid and go out there and get yourself killed too" he said, I could hear the shooting going off from behind me making me glitch a couple of times. "But she'l--" "It's not worth it! You'll get shot!" He yelled over the noise, I looked in his eyes, the hint of worry were in them again, why did he care so much? I then just nodded at him, as he let go of my arms making sure we were both safe behind these boxes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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