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Victoria Connors

Fuck my legs were killing me, and having to be in the way back with Boomerang hearing him saying "Want me to carry you princess" in this cocky voice that was seriously pissing me off wasn't my cup of sunshine.

"Rick I see something just ahead" his crew member said over his radio, I then saw Rick running towards him as we stood there watching.

"What the hell is it" I said "Not sure" I heard Deadshot say looking he then put his red glasses like gaget over his head to look. "I say we start a fight, ya know, show this crew what we really are" Boomerang said as I rolled my eyes. "Wow, are you trying to get us killed?" I said as he glanced at me. "You saw what happened to Slipknot!" "Yeah well he wasn't listening sweetheart that's why he went kabow" he said moving his hands in a explosion way. "Stop being a ass, Rick probably doesn't want us fighting these things." "Darlin loosen up will ya?" He said nudging me as I stared at him.

Deadshot quickly put his gun up as we noticed something was up. "Ay mate, what did you see other there?" Boomerang said, Deadshot wasn't listening as he started walking towards Rick again. "I don't like this" I said. I then heard Boomerang open up a can of beer drinking it. I glanced at him and rolled my eyes "asshole." "I can hear you princess" I groaned as I then heard shooting.

"We're under attack!" Rick yelled, as everyone got their weapons out. I saw Boomerang drink his can of beer hiding behind the car, as I pulled out my gun I had in my holster starting to shoot at whatever these things were. I shot one straight at the head yet they kept coming at us.

Harley was shooting at them smacking them around with her bat, one charged after me as I dodged them, I noticed Diablo wasn't even helping. "Diablo do something!" I yelled out as I took my sticks and smacked one over the head. "I-- I can't!" He yelled out walking away from the fight. I frowned and was about to say something till something picked me up throwing me.

"AAAHH" I screamed feeling myself hit into someone landing on them. I groaned feeling hands on my waist as I looked to see who I landed on, it was Boomerang. "I see you finally fell for me, princess" I looked at him rolling my eyes. "We gotta help them!" I said about to get up until he pulled me back down. "I rather you be down here with me, I like this position" he said with a smirk as I felt my heart flutter, his hands were still firm on my waist as I felt his fingers rub gently into my skin making me lose my breath. Then from the corner of my eye I noticed something coming after us as I took one of my sticks swinging it smacking the thing straight into the head.

Boomerang looked at me surprised, I smiled down at him. "Mind helping me?" I said, he grined at me "We'll deff be finishing this later" he said as I rolled my eyes, he then lifted me up with him getting off the ground. "Time for some action!" He said taking out his boomerangs as I laughed, taking my gun out again shooting at the alien like things.

They wouldn't let up, they kept attacking, and grabbing at Rick soon after that one grabbed me by the waist as I screamed. "Get off me you fuck" I screamed wiggling in their grip. "Look out!!" I heard Boomerang yell as I ducked my head he sliced the things head off with his boomerang as it crumbled into pieces. I fell to the ground grabbing my sticks as I wacked one more in the head then shooting them. They were mostly gone, as I noticed everyone stopped fighting, I looked up seeing Deadshot shooting them all in one shot.

It was amazing, he was literally the man who never misses. Even Rick was shocked, after that all those weird looking things were gone. I saw Deadshot get off the car as he walked over to us. "I don't know about you, but you lost that bet Flag" he said walking away as Rick gave a look like a apologetic look.

"Pinky!" I heard Boomerang say from behind me as he picked up a link unicorn putting it back into his jacket. He started walking to were I was "Did you seriously bring a stuffed pink unicorn with you for this fight?" I said as he raised a eye brow at me. "Yeah, what's it to you?" He said getting all defensive. "Oh nothing I was just wondering, can't a gir I'll ask?" I said as he stared at me, I shook my head.

"Alright let's get moving, I'll find a hideout we'll have to stay at for a while." Rick yelled out.

"How come you didn't help us out?" I heard Deadshot say to Diablo "It's better if I stay out of it." "Let me guess?" Boomerang said. "Your the fire bloke ay?" He said to him as Diablo looked to him then back as us. "Well I used to be. That was a long time ago." "Ahh I see, well lookie over here mate." He then said taking out his lighter flicking it open as the flame came out. "Fire! See look, ooooohhhh" he said moving it around then closing it. I punched him in the shoulder as he started laughing. "Your such a asshole! Obviously there's a good reason Diablo didn't wanna help, so quit joking about it." Boomerang rolled his eyes then at me. "You really are are killjoy aren't you?" He said taking out a cigarette then lighting it. "If you don't excuse me, I'm gonna follow the rest of the crew and get to shelter ya?" He said blowing the smoke right into my face as I coughed he chuckled walking away.

Fucking asshole.

"Look let's get going" Deadshot said following the crew as Diablo did an then Harley. "When is Boomerang gonna let up?" I groaned. "I sense he likes ya kid" Harley said walking next to me. "Yeah sure to be a asshole to me?" "Men are like that sweetie, they like to push ya buttons and that's exactly what Digger is doing." She said popping her gum. "Yeah well its so annoying, one min he's flirting next min it's total asshole mode." "Guys got a short fuse I heard, so he's got that too" I shook my head as I continued walking, Digger's cigarette smoke kept following in back of us, hitting me straight on. "But honey, don't worry somethin tells me ya both gonna get a long some how." She said. "Probably after this war is over." She started to laugh.

"Ok, the only shelter there is, is over near the subway, we can all huddle into the alley for a few mins." Rick yelled out. He then kept walking as we followed. It was gonna be a long night I swear I could feel it.


Yay!! Finally updated as new chapter for this!! I'm really excited writing this, I have a lot of ideas for this. And btw I have to change Victoria's special abilitys, one that the sticks she uses (there's another word for them it's not swords but it's like those but it's not a bat ether.) Also she does have a gun and has really good reflects well sometimes lol she has other abilitys but I gotta think of others.

Also Digger being a asshole then complete flirt is so asfpsjdosalsnsks but later into this book he does show more of his cocky side of being a total ass.

I just love writing this, plus the part where she landed on top of him and he pulls her down and keeps his hands on her waist, I had to put some sexual frustration a bit there more to come too tho😏

Enjoy this chapter!! Tell me what you think and what else you wanna see and what other special abilitys Victoria should have cause I can't think of anything off the bat right now lol (also editing the first chapter soon just around Amandas part where she talks) hope yall love this.

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