Crash and Smart Talk

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Crash And Smart Talk

Victoria Connors

We all got on the helicopter, Rick introduced us to Katana his protector I guess, she didn't seem to fased with all of us. Everything and everyone was quite. Harley sat next to Deadshot, then El Diablo was next to him, which left me in the middle sitting next to you guessed it. Boomerang

"So...." Boomerang said taking me away from my thoughts. "What's a gorgeous girl like you, doing in a group of crazies like us?" He said sharpning his boomerang "None of your business" I said as he chucked. "Oh come on darlin, what else did you do that got you into this shit" he said looking up at me. "I've done alot, alot that got me to where I am today." He made a face with a smirk. "So just stealing jewelry got you here? Hmm at least the rest of us done stuff worse." "What like you throwing you tiny boomerang at your partner knocking him out and getting caught by The Flash was worse? Ha" I said as he raised a eyebrow at me. "That's right honey, I've heard about you too" I said with a smirk looking straight ahead at Slipknot.

Rick told us about him he's really good with ropes, Rick didn't seem pleased when the guy punched a girl in the face.

"Alright princess, tell me what's the worst you've done to get yourself in this?" I turned to him and smirked. "I robbed, Gotham City bank also shot someone in the leg and well attempted to shoot Batman, also stole millions of dollars.....anything else you wanna know about? You already know I've robbed more banks than you!" I said with a smirk, he rubbed his boomerang in his hand looking back up at me. "So you are crazy, we share a lot more in common than I thought." He smirked, and that Australia accent was strong as fuck. "Crazier than you can imagine" I said as he chuckled.

Rick Flag

"So Flag mind telling us what these things in our necks are for?" I heard Deadshot say as I looked at him. "Injection, little tiny bombs that if you don't listen to me, got a little button to ruin your day." I said yelling over the sound of the helicopter. "I like to see you try" he said back. "That's if you cut and run, I'm betting my money on you that you'll cut and run" I said pointing at him. He gave a face shaking his head.

He's gonna cut and run I just know it, the rest of the group here look scared shitless, except Harley, she's over here looking the lights in the sky. The shit that Enchantress is doing, god even I'm a little scared cause god forbit I lose June I can't lose her.


Victoria Connors

I was minding my business looking a little out the window the helicopter had till I saw shots being fired at the helicopter. "Rick!" I heard one of his members yell out. "We're being shot at!" "Fuck" I heard him say. "Everyone stay in your seats." He yelled out.

The helicopter was shaking making ticking noises as it was getting shot. I quickly moved my head away from the window as shots were being fired, I grabbed Boomerangs arm in panic. I glance up at him and noticed the smirk on his face. "Shut up!" I said. He chuckled. "I didn't say anything love" he said as I rolled my eyes.

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