Chapter 2

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You may be a little confused, which is what I wanted. But let me clarify the situation;

I'm not pregnant again.
I'm in Bejing to adopt children.

This is the begining of Michael's and my mission to adopt children from across the world. Although I wish he could have come with me, he was busy, so I had to go solo.

I got there after a long, exhausting plane ride to Bejing. The airport was packed and I was still in discuise-- sunglasses and a dark coat, and was squished by airport traffic. It didnt take me long to find my ride there when he had a sign with my name on it. And from there he took me into his car and drove me to the orphanage. " How was your flight, Mrs. Jackson?" his accent was thick--I was lucky he spoke english;) " I've had better, but, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I'm here."
" The orphanage isn't too far away, so dont get too comfy."
" Okay."
" Are you excited to pick up your new children? I hear they're very happy and cant wait to see and go home with you."
" I definitley am. This is my first time doing this."
" Do you have children at home already?"
" Yes. I have a daughter--she's two."
" So you got mother experience already."
" Yes, I do." he stopped at a curb, infront of a large building.
" I wish you luck from here. The hotel you're staying in is a few blocks from the orphanage building. Go inside and from there the front desk will escort you."
" Okay, thank you so much for your"
" Ty" he nodded, " And you're very welcome."
" Hi, I'm looking for the head director, Isabel Lin. I'm here to pick up my children and the birth certificate forms."
" Yes. She will be down very soon. Feel free to get comfortable--there's tea and tea cookies at the table over there, help yourself.
"Thank you." After pouring hot tea in my cup I waited for it to cool down while taking a look around me--the orphanage had very vibrant colors and beautiful decorations along with photos of the special-needs children. It smelled like the thick air of China; Its hard to explain. Although I could smell the incense of fresh sticky rice and marinated meats.
I had been to China before, but I was mostly in Hong Kong and Yokohama believe it or not, and I bought tons of souveniers. That was my world tour. I'm only here for about a week--its the law in China. Everything was taken care of--so I had a chance to enjoy." My bags were taken to my hotel room immediatley by an employee, and I was set to complete the adoption process.

Isabel came down as I tried to finish my tea so that she could escort me into the orphanage room. " Are you ready?" Isabel smiled.
" Yes." I said. And she walked me up the stairs to the orphanage room.
The agency and orphanage had sent Michael and I pictures of the two girls--Grace and Mae. Grace's picture was beautiful--it captured her beautiful big eyes glossy, long black hair. She was born in Bejing, and was abandoned by her family due to a one-child-policy in China. Mae, was just too precious. In her picture she had big black eyes, beautiful black hair and Mae was actually born in Korea, and was brought to China, a few months after she was born.


The three of us, Grace, Mae and myself made ourselves at home in a snug, hotel room that seemed to be captured as an antique. Which is something that makes me feel comfortable, although in an different enviroment.
The girls jumped on the soft plush bed and looked over at me. Giving me a face and groaning. It had been the case it was about six o' clock and they hadn't eaten in a few hours.
We agreed on going out to a nice restaurant would fill up their stomachs. I knew that they had never gone out before, so I let them order whatever they wanted--as a welcoming treat to them.
I felt as if I was already making a connection with them while we were waiting for out food to arrive. They taught me how to play some hand games, and I taught them "I spy" and "Hang-man". It gave me an absolute definition of their personalities; what Michael and I would be dealing with. Grace was a dauntless high-pitch cackler, and Mae only imitated all that Grace did. Genuinley, it could easily could gave been a connection between the three years they've spent together in the orphanage. Ironicly, they weren't biological sisters.

Later that night, we got back to the hotel and relaxed in our room. " Okay girls, change into your pajamas."
I fished my personal bag for my toothbrush, toothpaste and small hairbrush. The girls left into the bathroom to change, and soon after, Mae slowly came out and tugged on my jeans.
" My pajamas awe too small," she whimpered, " I can see my belly."
" That's alright. Sleep in them for a few more days. When we get home I'll buy you some pajamas that fit you just right" she giggled.
Grace ran out from the bathroom, " I put my pajamas on--bedtime?" she started kicking and rotating her legs as her long glossy black hair swooshed back and forth. " Not yet, not for a while. C'mere." I gestured her to sit next to me on the large bed, " Tell me about yourself."
" What do you wanna know?"
" Anything and Everything."
" What is that supposed to mean??"
" Hmmm....let's see how I can narrow this down...what's your favorite color?"
" I like red. Its really pretty!"
" What are some hobbies you have?"
" Hob-what?" " Hobbies. It means things you love to do." " I like to dance, I like to make jokes. I love to play with animals and pretend to be things I wish I was-"
" Like what?" I asked, even more curious.
" Mae and I play house and kitchen all the time, and sometimes I like to pretend I can fly like dragons...and sometimes princesses. Maybe you can eat from our restaurant sometime!"
" You know what, I'd love that."
She giggled, then stopped talking for a moment. " You know why I was in an orphanage? A one-child policy. It means you can have one kid. I have a brother, his name is Bao Yu. He was older than me. So I had to be given up. I was only a little baby. My mom and dad didn't mean to have me! They just did! I was sad. I had no mommy or daddy or brother or sister."
" Don't you worry, honey," I gave her a back rub, " I'm sure your mom and dad were sad to give up such a sweet girl. But I promise you, that your new daddy and I will give you all the love we can give and show you what it's like having a big family, okay?"

LOVE NEEDS EXPRESSION (PART THREE) 1990'sWhere stories live. Discover now