Reunited Siblings

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   I woke up to a knock on the door. I opened it and Mo was there with a tray of food. "Good morning Roselight, I brought you breakfast." she smiled. My eyes widened. "Mo I have a surprised for you and it's in my room and I don't want you to see it yet." I stood where she couldn't see Jacob. Her expression was amazed. She gave me the tray and walked away, squealing and jumping up and down. I closed the door immediately letting out the air I held. I set the tray on the nightstand and sat on the bed. I looked at my baby bump. Still thinking of names for both of the babies.
   Strong arms slowly wrapped around my belly and the hands gently rubbed my baby bump. I gently nudged Jacob's head with my head and he kissed my cheek. I got the bowl with fruit and fed some to Jacob. I ate as well, but ate some toast and banana. The juice was sweet, but not to sweet. Just the way I like it. "Jacob I want you to stay here and be patient alright?" I kissed him. "Ok but what am I going to do?" He asked. I pointed into a door, he turned his head and walked in.
   I left and trusted him to stay. I walked over to the group that waited for me. "Hey guys ready to prepare the birthday party?" I looked at everyone smiling, They nodded. "OK Jemi, were is Mo? We have to make sure she stays busy for this to be a surprise." I asked getting a clipboard with the check list I made. "She is currently at the gods meeting and she won't be back until noon because the meeting is fake. I might have convinced Sir Zeus to fake a meeting." She said giving herself a sly smile.  I checked off on my clipboard. "Jacob is in my room, he is going to be busy for a while so ya." I smiled at everyone.We got the party ready, "decorations check, Cakes check, music check, food check, drinks check, games check and everyone there is here OK, we need to go get both of them." Everyone nodded. They all hid while me and Jemi got the birthday boy and girl. I got Jacob, I nodded at Jemi as soon as we had both of them in a same spot. We turned them around to face the party. "Surprise, happy birthday!" We all yelled. They were surprised, Jemi and I turned them both of the birthday boy and girl to face each other. Their eyes widened and they hugged, I was happy Jacob had found his twin sister. "Who planned this?" Both of them asked. I slowly backed away ready to hide behind a tree. "It was Roselight's idea." Everyone pointed where I stood, but I was long gone. I didn't want any praise, all I wanted is to see was Jacob and Mo happy.
I went back to the waterfall. I touched the water, and I felt more calm and relaxed. I turned my outfit into a dress, it was loose enough to be comfortable for my baby bump. I swade myself at the sound of the water falling. I soon saw bubbles bubbling up the water. I stared and saw red hair and orange hair. I immediately knew who it was, I hugged Laura as she walked to me and she was all giddy. "I'm pregnant Roselight, with Sebastien's baby." I looked at her belly and I could see the baby bump. "How long and I have every right to know when it happened cause I told you and you need to tell me girl." I tilted my head to her. " oh it was the same time as you and Jacob,but I found out last month." She smiled. I touched her baby bump and it glowed Light red and orange. I smiled, I felt the baby kick. I frowned " hey Sebastien, have you felt the baby kick yet?" I looked at him. He shook his head, "Oh well I just did here," I grabbed his hand and placed it on Laura's baby bump. The baby kick and I smiled, he blushed a bit. I placed,Laura's hand on my baby bump and it glowed while the babies kick. "And I'm having twins sweet heart." I smiled at Laura. Her eyes widened, "Aww lucky I wanted twins, but I guess Zues only blessed me with one for now," she eyed Sebastien. He blushed bright red. I laughed with Laura, we let our feet sway on the water. An arm wrapped around my shoulder. I turned to see Jacob smiling at me. "Why aren't you at your party?" I asked. "Well my wonderful girlfriend isn't there so I'll accompany her on her stroll." He said while kissing my forehead. I smililed and saw Sebastien hug Laura and hold her belly. "Well we weren't the only ones that are going to be parents." I said whispered while pointing at Sebastien and Luara. He got up and walked over to Luara and Sebastien. I smiled. "Well I guess triplets wouldn't hurt." Mo said sitting next to me. "Thank you for the wonderful gift of brining my brother and I together. The party is really wonderful, everyone gave you all the credit for this." She smiled. "Well this mama wouldn't be able to do it without them." I said with a sly smile. " You know your different from other girls Jacob's been with. Girls would always boss him around and they would try to get him in bed, but you, You changed his life for the better. I always had to talk to him into not going with those girls. He would break up with them, but they always took it the wrong way and would always say they were still together. Your a very special girl Roselight. I always knew my brother would find his other half of his heart. Your so kind, caring, brave, courageous, smart and beautiful, exactly like your mother." She said while feeling my cheek. "I always wanted to know what happened to my mom. If my dad is still alive, then my mom should be as well." I said looking up at the moon and stars. "I just know she is out there somewhere. She is waiting for me, she is waiting patiently so we can be reunited." Mo smiled. "Well maybe she is longing  for you to come." She said looking at the stars with me. We tilted our heads together and watched the stars and moon glow bright.

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