Olympics here we come!

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*happy as you and Jay can be your mother drives out of the stable  to head to the airport. Jay would be traveling on a normal airplane with your mother and hers as well. You will have a speacial place on the plane with Rufio. It apparently comes with the job of a handler. You also have to go through the inspection with Rufio.
That will be so cool!. You walk Rufio up thw ramp into the airplane and wave goodbye to USA. The engine roars and you put cotton balls in Rufios ears to reduce sound. 14 hours later. Team USA's horses has touched ground. Its unloading time. Rufio is the 4th to go out. The one before him is a chesnut mare that is very high strung. She snorts and stands her tail up as she prances out. She is so big that her handler was 6 1" and she was only to her shoulder! That is one crazy big horse... Unloading Rufio he is calm and is settling in well. All horses come off the aieplane into a horse trailer that also has a area for the riders and handlers. Its such a great and comfy place. You would think you were royalty. Rufio passed inspections later that day and he actually...shockingly. Was light in hands to lead. Despite his body being huge he actually...is pretty sweet. Heading baxk to the stable after walking him Jay shows up. Smiling and all dressed in her schooling stuff. Quickly. You get Rufio groomed and ready. You hop on him first. Spending 30 minutes just trying to get his attention but you finnally gain it. Then Jay hops on. She is amazing with him..as always. 1 hour and 3p minutes later. You find yourself untacking Rufio as Jay gives him a banana,for good luck. He sure does love his bananas. Almosr as much as Cara loves green apples. She loves them so much if you had them you better just give them to her and no one else...or you would be in major trouble. And...she would probably give you a hoof in your face. Lol. She sure is something. Rufio by this time is all untacked as you guide him into his huge horse stall. You could probably fit a elephant in there and it still have room to walk around! Closing up for the night. Everyone heads to hotel room to get a good night sleep. Tomorow would be a adventure.*

Meant to get this chapter out yesterday. But it disnr go as planned. So 3 chapters will be written and published in one day.

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