Off the Podium- Medal Ceremony

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*You stumble out of bed not wanting to move. Jay helps you up, "You sore?" you nod moaning. "Today is the last day. Its the closing ceremony meaning medal time!!" You give a week smile and you feel the back of your head, it has a bumb from when yesterday. You grab your riding clothes and get ready leaving you knock on the door and the guards open it. You didnt expect them to escort you down to the breakfast area and also inserted of going in Jay's car we were required to go into their black long car. How lucky were we...yea right. Some would say that we were lucky but I disagreed. You and Jay arrive and the men meet with you to the barn. As you and Jay tack up, well you get on Puzzles leg wraps and bridles no saddle, they talk a little to each other, you dont bother to listen much. You are ready and you glance over to Jay she is ready as well. You decide to ask the doctor at the station, more of acovered tent than a station, if you can ride. He lets you so you hop on bareback, which is allowed. In no time...ok 1 hour...they call team USA Equestrian to the arena. You and Jay and the rest of the dressage, eventers, and jumpers trot into the arena. Everyone claps which startles puzzle a little bit but she calms down. Pulling to a halt. Each of team usa gets a medal and since we won we all stand for a picture as a kind lady hands over a trophy. Our instructor holds it for the team as we all smile. We take 2 victory laps at a canter and you decide to do some dressage moves, flying changes! You glance behind you and Jay is doing the same. She decides to go beside you and you both do the same thing together first do canter flying changes. One. One. One. We both were in sync then you both go to a extended canter...and before you knew it the exit was close and you had to exit the ring. You and Jay are soo happy. Germany was suppose to be in second..but you and Jay both notice that something wasnt right. They werent at the medal ceremony. Great Britian was and so was another team. Strange. Walking back to the stables you glance over to the germany stables and find a whole swarm of police officer over there. Jay and you are both puzzled...whats happening. You being curious decide to untack Puzzle and put her in her stall. The guards stop you from trying to go over there. Aww man! You were hoping to have a look!

Before you knew it, the man who grabbed you started fighting with a officer he got tooken to the ground and tooken away. Their were vets who were testing some horses and they brought out 2 horses who they then put into the quartine trailer. Seriously. What is going on over there. A German rider approaches you as the guards aren't looking. "I hope your happy. Because of you. We lost. We got stripped from the podium. And now...we are being searched. You will regret this and you will get paid back for what you did." You stand puzzle and then the guards spy him. They arrest him and take him away. Phew. That was close. You walk over to Jay who is now giving a banana to Rufio. "I can't wait to go home...I don't feel safe here." Jay says.
"I agree..thats the closest ive been to being kidnapped..and maybe even killed. I hope...we can leave tomorrow and safely." you reply.
"...umm...I don't think im coming ro another olympics after what happened here."
Jay sighd and you give a nod. Its hard to do, but after what happened today and yesterday you know that coming back will be even might even mean death. Jay and you head back after a long day of thr ceremony and loud noises. Until the time you and Jay the morning...the guards will be there. Sadly. You feel like guilty for making a big fuss...perhaps you shouldnt have said anything. Waitm then were would you be...dead probably. You being guilty leaves you mind and you fall asleep later awoken by a knock on the door. It was the guards, "Just to let you know. The Germany team...they were found to have actually broken a few rules not only trying to hurt you." the guard left to resume to his job of protecting. Jay and you went back to sleep shortly after.the feelin of causung what happened left your mind as you begin to be happy again.

No offense to was just a country that I felt worked with being awesome at dressage and jumping. Have a good day every is a sneak peak of book 2. With only 2 chapters left to go before this one is over and book 2 is in the making.

This photo actually...might give a way a bit more than I want but eh oh well. You guys deserve it.

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