9.'Slowly Evolving'

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Excuse my mistakes

September 8,1992


There's been a lot of changes in the last few months. Aaliyah finally told all her fans that she's pregnant, the whole media couldn't stop talking about it. She has gotten some positive and negative comments from some people, talking about her being another one of Eazy's baby mamas and Aaliyah only got pregnant by him because she wants attention blah, blah, blah. But fortunately she don't care what anyone say, Aaliyah can't wait until she have her baby girl.

After the situation with Eric, he has really been helpful, always around and Aaliyah know he's doing all this because he misses her. And truthful Aaliyah do too, she told him that he can move back in into 'his' house. They live together but they don't talk to each other, Aaliyah can tell Eric doesn't like but she feels it's best for them. They sleep in different bedrooms, sometimes Aaliyah miss Eric laying in the bed with her, specially when she's a horny mess. But Aaliyah trying to keep it all together, she's not ready to let Eric back into her life yet. Aaliyah just don't know if she can trust him... again.

I'm in my living room, reading a magazine, watching TV. Suddenly I hear Eric coming down the stairs. I took a glance at him from the corner of my eye, he was wearing his original out wear. His black 'LA' hat, blue and gray plaid shirt, dark blue jeans and Nike Air Force.

Agh, he is so fine even when he's not trying...

I turn my attention back to the TV, so he wouldn't notice me staring him down. "Wassup Aaliyah ?" He came and sat next to me, I scooted away from him a lil bit. Aaliyah clear didn't want Eric around but lil did she know that she was fronting on him.

I cut eyes at him. "Eric." Then turned at page from my magazine.

He huffed, rolled his eyes in annoyance. "You still stuck on this attitude huh ?" I continued to ignore him, which I knew it would get on his nerves. "Aaliyah it's been weeks since I moved back, when are you gonna start talking to me ?" He asked, obviously getting aggravated.

I looked at him briefly. "When I have something to say."

He shook his head as he scratched the back of his neck. "Aight whatever, I don't know why I'm even trying." He mumbled to himself. "We still taking the kids to the carnival, later on ?" He tilted his head to look into my eyes.

"Yeah of course, I made them a promise. Unlike you I keep my promises." I carefully got off the couch and began to walk away. Then he grabbed my arm.

He pulled me to him. "Alright Aaliyah, enough is enough !" He raised his voice at me, points his finger at me. "You gonna stop with this lil funky ass attitude alright, imma let that lil comment slide only because you caring my seed but you gotta stop this shit ! Stop being mad at me when I'm trying to make things right !"

I yanked his arm off me then got in his face. "I'll stop being mad when you stop playing games and commit to me. Until then this is how it's gonna be !" I fired back.

He stared me down for a second. "Yeah alright, look I got some business to take care of, I'll be back later to pick you up."

I scoffed. "Eric, I don't care what you do, just go. Move." I push passed him, heading upstairs.

Eric sucked his teeth. "That attitude better be fix when I get back !" I hear him holler from behind me. "Yeah whatever !" I yelled back, slammed the door behind me. Sat down on the edge of my bed and pouted.

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