Chap4: A Glimpse Of His Past

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Jinyoung's POV

"I told you I am not staying in there!"

"Jinyoung, you have to!" My uncle replied. I could see that he was trying to be calm but I know for a fact that I was getting into his nerves already.

He might be my uncle but I was not backing down in the argument. I refused to. "But I don't want to stay there with whoever lives in there!" I retorted.

"It's the safest place for you Jinyoung! We will only be gone for a week. I just want you safe while we are away,"

"Then just lock the fucking door! I am not leaving this room and that's final!"

"Last time I left you alone we found you in your bathroom, bloody with deep gashes on your wrist! I don't want to see you in there again,"

"Then maybe this time I will do it here on top of my bed!"

"Don't joke like that Jinyoung-ah. That is not funny!"

"Who says I'm joking?!"

My uncle was already on the tip of his breaking point. That much I could tell.

The heated conversation started when Uncle Haejin told me they were going away for a week. They were heading to my aunt's province for her parents' golden anniversary and he wanted me to stay in that big house with the mayor. I refused and that led us to this argument.

I was stubborn and hard-headed, I know. I just didn't want to mingle with other people. I wanted them nowhere near me. I did not want to get attached to them. Why give them a chance to come in when they will eventually leave me?

Our conversation was however interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Excuse me boys, but someone's here to see you," my Aunt Minyoung said from the other side. My uncle sighed deeply before opening the door. To my surprise, the guy Mark, who introduced himself as the Mayor walked in.

"Good morning Haejin hyung, Jinyoung," he greeted. He's wearing a plain white shirt and blue jeans but damn he still looked sexy. I might have stared at him longer than I intended to. Nonetheless, I ignored him and sat on my bed. "I'm sorry but I was walking by when I heard you both raising your voices. Is everything alright?" he asked.

Did you think we'll shout if we're alright? Geez.

My uncle sighed. "Everything is fine Mark. I was just telling Jinyoung about that favor I mentioned to you," he politely explained. I grabbed my fallen book and pretended to read.

"I see. Well Jinyoung, I am honored to accommodate you in my home while your family's away," Mr. Mayor said. "Pack a few things then I'll have someone bring them over my place."

There was something in his voice that compelled me. Also, his voice was so... spine-tingling? I couldn't find the right word to describe it but every time he spoke I could feel a shiver run down my spine.

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