Chap11: Answers

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Mark's POV

Thank goodness he didn't push me away! I was so scared when he left. I thought he would permanently run away. I couldn't bear the thought of not being with him especially of him fearing me. I was barely able to make him get used to having me around and now this. I need to approach him and answer his questions carefully so I won't freak him out.

We both ate the food Haejin hyung had sent in silence. He was sitting on his bed while I sat on his study table. I could barely taste the food coz my attention was zeroed on Jinyoung. I felt really guilty because he got hurt while trying to save himself and Luke. If only I was here this wouldn't happen. I swear if I found out Leon is all behind this I will shred that good-for-nothing old dog to pieces!

A few moments later, we were both done eating. I took his plate and placed it with mine on his table then gave him a glass of water. He took it with shaky hands and his gaze was never meeting mine. I watched as he awkwardly sat on his bed, fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"Can I sit beside you?" I softly said after a while. Thankfully he scooted near the wall, giving me space so that I could sit on his bed. His bed was for a single person so despite me sitting sideways on the edge of the bed I could still reach and touch him if I wanted to.

Another silence passed before I spoke again. "Before I begin answering your questions, can you... can you please tell me what's running on your mind? Tell me what you feel or anything at all and we'll start from there."

He didn't say a word for the next two minutes and my mind started to think of the worst things like him telling me to never show my face again or that he will leave the pack and tell me to pretend I didn't meet him. My bubble of thoughts was interrupted when I saw him bring his knees to his chest and hug it.

"I-I... I don't know. I want to fear you and run away but I can't. I don't know why the thought of being away from you scares me more than finding out what you really are," he murmured, confused. Then he raised his head and looked at me, his eyes were beaming with tears and filled with confusion. "Why can't I hate you?"

I lost it when I saw a tear roll down his cheek. I instantly moved closer to him and pulled him in my chest. At first, he struggled and tried to push me away but his body was weaker than mine and I really have no intention to let him go so I held him tightly caged in my arms.

"I'm so sorry Jinyoung-ah. Like I said, I didn't intend to reveal the truth to you this way but what is done is done. All I can do now is explain everything to you the best way I can and I need you to listen carefully." I apologized as I continuously ran my hand on his back to soothe him. "And please don't cry, it hurts me to know I caused you these. I promise everything will be alright," I told him as I continue to rub his back in an attempt to calm him.

When his sobs died down and he wasn't struggling in my embrace, I shifted a little to lean him on the pillow against the wall while I remained sitting upright beside him. I brushed my thumb and wiped the remaining tears on his face while smiling gently at him.

"Talk, I will listen," he said, a lot calmer now. I took his hand on mine, finding something to anchor myself to him.

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