Chap18: The General's Son

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Mark's POV

The adrenalin was still running through my system even after my family has left. They came rushing after hearing the news of rogues suddenly attacking the pack. I got wounded after protecting a pup that got separated from her parents when the fight erupted. I was bitten on my shoulder and got clawed on the back. The pain was bearable for me due to the years of training and going through battles. What got me really worried was the fact that Jinyoung can feel my pain. I was beyond livid when I heard Jinyoung's painful scream. I focused on nothing but killing all the rogues and a few of Leon's members who led the attack. I need to hurry and get to my mate. Mercilessly snapping their necks and clawing their flesh, I go after one enemy to the other until what's left in front of me was bloodied bodies, dead bodies of those who dared crossed my territory.

When the enemies were finally taken care of, I gave Jaebum the task to take care of the remnants of the battle and dashed back to the pack house. I didn't care if I was bloodstained and injured. I ran as fast as I could hoping my family was safe. I found Jinyoung lying unconscious in the basement. He was held by his Aunt who was crying, trying to wake Jinyoung. Luke was wailing and so was Josh. They cried louder when they saw how bloody I was. Jinyoung's Aunt must have linked his husband about Jinyoung coz only seconds after I arrived, Youngjae came barreling in, his medkit in hand, and even he was bloodstained, probably from attending injured warriors in the clinic. Youngjae, with the help of Bambam, made sure Jinyoung was fine while Yugyeom forced me away to patch up my wounds.

When I was sure Jinyoung was fine and resting in our room, I called a meeting in my office. I wanted to know how the hell did those bastards got inside the territory. Also, I wanted a detailed report of the damages. Hopefully, no one died from my pack.

It was when the meeting was almost over when my dad came in. Not even bothering to knock, he just pushed past the door with a forceful swing. He was on my side the next moment, assessing the damage on my back and shoulder. Then my mom arrived shortly after him, she too was frantic about the incident. Even I was still in struggle to contain the adrenalin, the anger, and the rapid pace of events. I couldn't seem to focus on anything due to the shock of their ambush.

I had a bit of an argument with my dad too. He was pointing out how it was my fault this has happened. I see his point and I admit that I am to blame for this but I only did what I should protect my mate from ill words of that bitch, Yura. But this isn't entirely my fault! It was unfair of him to blame me when in the first place Leon had his eyes set on my position and territory ever since before. Avenging her daughter from my harsh actions was merely a plus factor in his desire to win over me.

Thankfully no one died from my pack but many warriors were severely injured. The attack caught us completely off guard and they came from the deepest part of our forest. I was told that the team burning up the pile of dead rogues found a bottle of unidentified liquid that smelled so strong it hurts your nose the more you try to inhale it. Jaebum and Jackson who surveyed the forest reported that they too found identical bottles scattered in the bushes. I immediately sent a sample to Haejin hyung so he can try to identify it and another to the alliance, hoping they know what it was.

It was only when everybody left that I finally got the chance to see how Jinyoung's doing. I found him sitting on the bed, looking blankly outside through our window. "Jinyoung-ah," I called. I felt bad that I wasn't even aware that he was awake. I usually could feel his presence, know when he's awake or not. But my senses were still all over the place and I felt sorry for not attending him sooner.

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