Chapter 12: A Person that Sacrifice to Save Someone, is a Hero

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Normal P.O.V

After Andrew killed their first enemy, Andre and Laura went on and look for the flags of every family while Carlo, Alex, Alicia, Karen and Kathy stay behind to protect the flag and Diana. While Andrew and Laura was looking for the flags, they encounter Paul and Kevin. 

" Good seeing you here, Andrew, Laura!" Paul said. "Good to see you too, Paul, Kevin." Andrew said happily.

"We're alliance. So we don't need to battle ourselves. So where are the others?" Paul asked. "The others are searching for your base." Andrew said. "He just broke the plan and Alex took the flag and went to look for Kelly."  Laura said sighing. "Wait, is that disqualification if it is remove from the base." Kevin asked. "Nope, he only said that disqualification if the enemies took the flag and he also said the flag is our revival point. So I was planning to put our flag near you guys so that we can protect each other and the flags." Andrew said. "ARE YOU AN IDIOT!? YOU KNOW THAT YOU PUT YOUR FLAG IN MUCH MORE TROUBLE. DID YOU KNOW THAT OUR BASE IS MUCH FARTHER THAN YOURS." Paul said.

"Don't worry about them. You should worry about how we can get out of this." Andrew said. "This?"Kevin asked. Then 6 players appeared out of nowhere and surrounding Andrew, Laura, Paul and Kevin. "We have found the traitor. Kill him!" one of the six players said. They are started jumping towards Andrew but they are all defeated by Andrew. He only use {Air Slash} and all of them flew away unconscious.

"Come on! Let's tie them up in the stem of that tree." Laura said. So they put their enemies and tie them a tree. When they woke up, they get interrogated by Laura. She immediately glared at them and asked, "Where is your flag?" They refused to answer. So she started beating them up making Paul and Kevin looks more scared. "Is she that scary, Andrew?" Paul asked. "Yes, she is really scary person. Even though she looks like an old lady, she is really sca---" Andrew said before getting hit by the kunai from Laura at the forehead. He fell on the ground and Laura went to him. She pulled his shirt collar and start punching him real hard. "WHO YOU CALLING AN OLD LADY, YOU WEIRD ALIEN!" she shouted as she keep punching Andrew's face. "WAIT, AREN'T YOU SUPPOSE TO INTERROGATE THEM AND NOT PUNCH ME!" Andrew said as he was getting punch by Laura. "She is really that scary. I think we are really lucky that we didn't become enemies." Paul said looking scared at what Laura are doing with Andrew.

She then stops punching Andrew and interrogating the six players but they manage to escape. "LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID, OLD LADY. YOU LET THEM ESCAPE!" Andrew shouted. "What did you just said again?" She replied with rage. She then started punching Andrew again. "I think we should stop her. Andrew is going to die at any time." Paul said. "Can you even stop a monster?" Kevin said. So they didn't get the change to stop her from killing Andrew. After a few moments, she let Andrew go and said, "If you ever said old lady to a beautiful girl." Andrew then sigh and said, "I keep saying you are an old lady because I want you to smile. You are always serious and I am just teasing you. You are beautiful but you just don't have any feminine." He then gets beat up again by Laura.

Laura's P.O.V

After beating Andrew up and hearing those sweet and insult words, I think I am starting to fall for Andrew. "I'm sorry Diana. I couldn't support you. I have fallen for the same guy you like." I mutter. Andrew went behind me and whisper, "What are you muttering about, Laura?" I immediately blushed and my heart race. I took a step back and said, "Stop appearing out of nowhere and its none of your business to know what I was muttering." He said, "I am really curious because I don't know if you are insulting me. Well who cares, That's what is really cute about you." My heart starts to race even more. Even though he is an idiot and a weirdo, he is really very kind to us girls.

"Where are we going now?" I asked. "I think we should go back to Paul's base and check whether he brought any porn magazine." Andrew said.  "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, YOU IDIOT! I don't even have any of that in the first place." Paul said. "I think we should go back and check if Diana and the others already reach there." I said. "How can you guys can sure where to find our base?" Kevin asked. Andrew took out a piece of cloth and showed it to them and said, "I kind of cut a piece of cloth from Paul before we were transported here." 

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