Chapter 21: The Prediction

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Diana's P.O.V

Andrew and I were going to the Forest of Howling Dogs but with no one can take care of Kathy, we are force to bring Kathy along the dangerous mission. We are asked to get 25 Barb-Tailed Spite Hyena's nails. So we are on our way to the Forest of Howling Dogs. Andrew is carrying Kathy in his shoulder while Kathy is having fun and laughing because she can see everything that we can't see from afar. "Andrew, we have to be careful because all the Dog Monsters likes to ambush since we have Kathy here, we have to be very careful." I said.

"You worry too much, Diana! You don't need to worry because I am with both of you." Andrew said. "You're too carefree, Andrew." I said. Kathy then look at us and said, "Are Papa and Mama fighting?" Andrew said, "Nope, Kathy. We are not fighting. I am just teasing your cute Mama. She's very cute when she worries a lot." I suddenly flustered and said, "Can you stop teasing me already, idiot alien?" He smile and started laughing. So does Kathy. "Why are you guys laughing," I asked.

"I don't know too, Mama. Papa started laughing." Kathy said laughing. Andrew stop laughing and said, "It's been a long time since you called me 'Idiot Alien'. It makes me laugh." I immediately blushed. Suddenly, Ice-Clawed Winter Coyote appeared and ambushed me from behind until Andrew appeared behind the Coyote. He put his katana back to its sheathe and the head of the Coyote suddenly came out from the body.

"Woah! You are right, Diana. Luckily no one gets hurt." Andrew said, Then I saw his left sleeve of his clothes tore open and blood started to came out. "Andrew, your arm." I said as I am pointing at his left arm. He then fell on his knee and Kathy was about to fall until I caught her. He then covered his injury using his right hand. So Kathy immediately run towards Andrew and heal him.

Suddenly, Long-Fanged Mountain Wolf appeared and ambushed us. Andrew can't help us because of his left arm being healed by Kathy. I took out my scythe and called of Sakura. "Sakura. Let's do it." I said. Sakura then roar and mmy scythe and sakura merge. "{Monster Merging}" I shouted. My scythe turned into Lion Scythe. I activated {Lion's Roar}, all of the wolf are getting dizzy. So I started slashing them until none of them appeared. Suddenly the Long-Fanged Mountain Wolf's Boss appeared. "A Blaze-Bodied Long-Fanged King Wolf. Why did it appear here all of the sudden." I said in shock. "Diana, get out of there now. You can't beat that monster. No one has ever beaten that monster even the strongest player can't beat it." Andrew shouted.

"Shut up! We have no escape. That monster is very fast. It can catch up to us if we run away. It's better to beat them." I shouted. 

Andrew's P.O.V

I was shock that she shouted at me saying some stupid things. I smiled and said, "You are becoming like just like me, Diana. Reckless and stubborn." She smiled and said, "That's because I love you so much." I immediately blushed and then activated her unique skill {Reaper Death: Monster Slash}. Light appears around the blade of the scythe and grew more blade with light surrounding it. She run towards the Monster and and slashed the monster. It tried to block her attack by using {Wolf's Roar} to push her away but she slashe the air using her scythe.

"{Reaper Death: Monster Slash} raises the users attack and strength. This skill allows to break any skill that gets in the way. This skill is really strong but it has one risk. It can only be use once and after that the user's stamina will be drain and their body will not move." I said. She slashed the monster into half. Then the King Wolf fell on the ground and died. I immediately run and catch Diana. I caught her in my arms. I smiled and said, "You really are very reckless, Diana." I kiss her forehead while she is asleep. I carried her in my back. 

"Papa. Look at it's fingernails." Kathy said. "What is it, Kathy?" I asked. "It's nail is made out of Silver." Kathy said. "Wait.... So that means! Diana manage to kill a Legendary Monster, the Silver Claw Ultra Wolf." I said. "Yup." Kathy said. "A legendary parts cost a fortune. Let's bring it back for a while." I said. I called forth Jack. Jack then appeared and activated its ability {Animal Growth}. It grew into a normal animal. I put Diana in his back with Kathy sitting and supporting Diana. Jack then carried the monster using his mouth and he carried it back to Latia Kingdom while I continue to look for the Barb-Tailed Spite Hyena. 

While I continue to look for the Barb-Tailed Spite Hyena, a small small bird with red feathers came towards me and fuse with me. My outfit is the same with my current outfit but the color only change from white to red with feather design. Then my eyes blurred and when I close my eyes. I see the future again.

-Future Fragment-

"Where am I now?" I said as I look around. Then suddenly, I saw Diana crying on a child's chest. I went to look at the child. My eyes widen that the child that Diana is crying is actually Kathy. Diana then looked at me in anger and said, "This is all your fault. If you hadn't brought Kathy on this mission. She wouldn't have die. I despise you, Andrew. I was right in choosing to break up with you three weeks after we became a couple." Future Diana said in rage. 

What is she talking about? I turned around and saw myself looking at them. His outfit is different from before. His outfit is more black. Wearing a Demon Lord's outfit. He has one busterblade at his back with two katanas on each waist. "My fault? It is your fault for using the the Demon Scythe and getting possess. Andrew tried saving you by taking the spirit possessing you into his body. It's already been 3 weeks since you guys broke up and started ignoring each other. It makes me laugh." Future Andrew said.  Then suddenly, I was pulled back by gravity and when I realize. I was already back into my time. "What just happen? Kathy died! I even promise her foster parent that I will protect her." I said.

"Forget it! This time. I won't get bother by that future fragment. I'll protect her with all my life. Also prevent Diana from using the Demon Scythe." I said. I continue onward and after a few minutes of walking, two Barb-Tailed Spite Hyena appeared. So I took out my katana and cut off their heads instantly. I cut off all of its nails and got a 16 fingernails from each hyena and got a total of 32 fingernails. "I think this should be enough. I'm going back." I said.

I went back to Latia Kingdom and Diana started to hugged me and started crying. "Idiot, idiot, Andrew. Going to a dangerous Forest all alone. You made me and Kathy worried about you." Diana said. "Papa, are you okay? Do you have any injury?" Kathy asked while crying. I smiled. "You really made them worried a lot, Andrew." Jessica said. I pat their heads and said, "I'm sorry I worried you guys." I said.

"So did you get all the materials?" Paul asked. "Yeah. Here you go!" I said throwing the a plastic full of fingernails and Paul caught it. "Oh yeah. Shirley can you take Diana and Kathy back to the inn. I need to talk to Jessica and the others about something." I said. "What are you guys going to talk about?" Diana said curiously. "Nothing. Kathy cannot listen to this and also you need to rest." I replied. "Okay." Diana said in disappointment.  So Shirley brought Diana and Kathy to the inn.

Normal P.O.V

"So what are you going to talk about? You interrupted our work." Carlo said. So Andrew told everyone except Shirley, Diana and Kathy, who is at the inn, about the future fragment. After everyone heard the story, everyone was in a daze and everyone was in silent until Carlo broke it. "You mean to tell me that Diana will get possess by the Demon Scythe and you will take the soul and you will get possess instead." Carlo said.

"Poor, Kathy. She will get a tragic ending." Jessica said. "That's why we need to make Diana not use the Demon Scythe 6 weeks after today." Andrew said. "Okay. let's think of the plan." Paul said. So everyone come up with a plan to not make Diana use the Demon Scythe and not get that tragic future. So how will they get past that future? Is that future going to happen or not? What are they going to do?

To Be Continue..........

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