Chapter Ten

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Effie sat up in bed slowly and took a good look around. She was in a tiny, dark room with only a door as the way out. A red rug sat in the middle of the room. Her stuffed animals were laying all around her and photos were pinned on the wall behind her bed.

This wasn't her room.

Effie wasn't panicking when she realized that she wasn't home. It was like she was already living here and it was normal to her waking up to this scene. She swung her legs over the side and placed her feet on the warm rug. She looked down at herself and noticed she was wearing the same white nightgown she always wears to bed.

Effie took another look around the room and saw light streaming through the crack underneath the door. She walked towards it and opened it. She slowly crept out into the long hallway and followed the light to the other end of the hallway. She came to another door and opened it without hesitation.

The only thing in the room was a grey dentist chair. On the tray beside it sat several instruments with rusty blood caked on them. Effie was surprised with herself as she walked towards the chair with no emotions at all. She wanted to scream and run out of the room, but her body wouldn't do what she wanted.

Finally, she stood next to the chair looking down at it. She picked up a surgical knife and began to examine it. Its long blade was stained with blood. No matter how many times the kids had to clean it of their blood, it still came back with even darker stains.

Suddenly, strong hands gripped her shoulders and hoisted her into the chair. She thrashed around trying to get rid of the hands, but they wouldn't budge. She tried to stab the hands, but they strapped her arms and legs to the chair was thick leather straps that dug into her skin. Effie tried to look into the face of her attacker, but all she saw was blackness where his face should be.

Another figure came up on the other side of the chair. This figure was much slimmer and shorter than the other one. Except this time, she could see the figures face.

The figure was a girl. Her eyes were blue and held a sharpness to them that made Effie shrink on the inside. Her youthful face was set in a straight and unemotional line. In her hand, she held a large syringe full of strange liquid.

Effie began to thrash around. In her mind, she didn't know what the liquid was, but her body knew for she began to feel anxious and scared. The lady brought the syringe down to her arm and pressed the needle into her flesh. Effie cringed and bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming, but when the liquid was being pushed into her body, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She screamed as loud as she could, hoping for someone to come and help her, but she somehow knew that no one would.

The liquid started to take a strange effect on her immediately. She began to feel dizzy and her vision came in and out. She continued to scream until her throat felt raw. Suddenly, the world began to shake and she heard her name being called.

"Effie! Effie!"

She shook her head and continued to scream and fight the liquid when the shaking got harder. She sat up and screamed.

"Effie! Honey, it's alright," she heard her mother's voice beside her. Her mother tried to reach out towards her, but Effie shrank away imagining the lady with the syringe.

Effie took a good look around her and tried to calm her breathing down. She looked at her parents who were both sitting next to her bed and began to cry. Everything seemed so real. The syringe going into her, the liquid, everything felt like reality. She knew it was just a nightmare, but she had never had a nightmare that felt like that.

Her mother slowly reached towards her and when Effie didn't move, pulled her towards her and wrapped her arms around her. She petted her head and cooed soft, encouraging words to her. "It's alright, Effie. It was only a dream. It was only a dream."

"B-But it felt so real," Effie sobbed into her mother's chest.

"Do you want to talk about it, sweetheart?" her father asked, hoping that if she shared, she would feel better.

Effie shook her head quickly. She only hoped that it was a dream and not something showing her what will happen in the future.

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