Chapter Twenty-Three

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Effie cried the whole night. Dreams of burying the girl kept residing in her mind. She would wake up covered in sweat and start to cry. Her crying would then put her to sleep no matter how hard she tried to stay awake.

Finally, she woke up to see light coming through the crack of the door. She sat up in bed and stretched her sore muscles. She looked at one of her stuffed bears and hugged it tight to her body.

She wanted to be home. Effie knew that she repeats this process of being homesick every morning, but she didn't care. She wanted to be home with people who loved her. People who wanted her home. But if her parents sent her here, they certainly didn't love her. They certainly didn't want her home. They wanted her to be here all along. Ever since she got her ability to see and talk to the dead. They didn't care about her anymore or they would be here right now taking her away from this wretched place.

Effie suddenly felt a presence in the room and knew that it was Lynsey.

"What do you want?" she asked tiredly.

"I want to help," was her only response.

Effie rolled her eyes. "Help? How could you possibly help? I've already got someone watching over me. Leave me alone."

"Are you meaning Miss Arkwright?" Lynsey's head cocked to one side and her lifeless eyes showed off a split emotion of confusion. "She's gone."

Effie's head shot up. "What do you mean she's gone?" she spat at Lynsey. "She was here the other day? I have a feeling you're lying to me. How could she possibly be gone?"

Lynsey hovered closer to Effie. "The headmistress heard of what Miss Arkwright said to you and she didn't approve of it. She fired her yesterday morning."

Effie felt tears threatening to escape her eyes as she hugged the bear tighter. "Why?" she squeaked.

Lynsey shrugged her shoulders. "The headmistress is a cruel woman."

"I've figured that one out." Effie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Why do you want to help me?"

Lynsey stared into Effie's eyes with her lifeless ones. Effie suppressed a shiver threatening to run down her body. "I want these people to suffer like I did. Not the patients, but the workers. They're all horrible people and need to feel what they are making us feel. If you don't do this, you will end up like me."

Effie thought about it for a while. I want to go home, but my family doesn't want me. They wouldn't care if I died. But I do. "What do I have to do?"


Effie was pulled by the arm of Miss Murphey down the hall and down the stairs. She was pushed into the washroom and into one of the showers. Effie suppressed a laugh as she took a good look at Miss Murphey.

Miss Murphey was covered in mud. Her once white uniform was now stained brown and her hair was now sticking to her face instead of in the neat bun it was in earlier. Effie had snuck out of her room early the next morning after talking to Lynsey and filled a small bucket with mud. She brought it back to her room and stuck it right above her door so when Miss Murphey opened it, the bucket fell on top of her and drenched her in the mud.

Effie was surprised that she didn't get caught sneaking out and into her room. Now she was paying the price for her little shenanigan.

"You think it's funny don't you?" Miss Murphey snapped at her through clenched teeth. "You will not have anything to eat all day today and you'll be lucky if I change my mind in the morning." She reached behind Effie and turned the shower on freezing.

Effie yelped as she felt the freezing water hit her skin. The dress she was wearing started to stick to her body and she began to shiver uncontrollably from the water.

Effie looked up at Miss Murphey to see her smirking. She glared at her which rewarded her with a slap to the face. Effie grabbed the side of her face and felt it throbbing.

"Don't ever look at me that way again!" she snapped. "You are in the wrong and I have the permission to punish you! I suggest you start to respect who is in charge of you." She turned on her heel and walked out of the washroom.

Effie glared after her. She hated being treated this way and they weren't going to get away with it. Effie wondered since she could break glass, what else could she break with her mind. She closed her eyes and concentrated, but the freezing water hitting her skin distracted her.

Effie stuck her head out of the shower stall to see if anyone was in the washroom with her. No one. She stepped out and closed her eyes again. She began to concentrate on the shower heads in the washroom. Suddenly, she heard a loud crack and a bang sound throughout the washroom.

Effie opened her eyes to see every single one of the shower heads fall to the floor and water spilling out of the one she was under before. She smirked and walked over to the water. She grabbed the handle and turned the water off. She sat down in the pool of water and smiled at the wall at what she had just done.

Maybe my time here won't be so bad after all, she thought evilly to herself.

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