Chapter Eighteen

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Effie woke up to a bright light. She slowly opened her eyes to see Miss Murphey standing over her with her hands on her hips. She did not look happy. Effie sat up quickly and scooted as far as the bed would let her from Miss Murphey.

"G-Good morning, Miss Murphey," Effie stuttered.

"Did you read the book last night, Miss Richmond?" Miss Murphey asked annoyed.

Effie nodded slowly.

Miss Murphey huffed. "Apparently you didn't. Tell me, do you remember what time every member must wake up?"

Effie thought back to the book and then a time came into her mind. "Six o'clock."

Miss Murphey nodded and glared at Effie. "That's right. Now, since I know you can read a book, read that clock above the door. Can you read it?"

Effie nodded.

"Good. Now tell me what it says."

Effie stared at the clock and counted the hands until she figured out what the time was. "S-Seven o'clock."

Miss Murphey nodded again and smirked. "That's right. Now, you told me that the time to get up is six o'clock, but it's seven. What did the book say about the punishment for not getting up on time?"

Effie didn't dare look into her eyes. She kept her eyes averted from her and whispered, "A cold shower."

"That's correct." She grabbed Effie's arm and pulled her out of her room. She dragged Effie down the stairs and into a large room behind the stairs. In the room, there were many standing showers that were only separated by large slabs. She was pulled into the one at the end of the room and shoved underneath it.

Miss Murphey reached behind her and turned the shower on freezing.

Effie screamed and jumped when she felt the cold water hit her skin. Her clothes began to stick onto her and she wrapped her arms around herself. The water was as cold as she could get it. A shiver ran through her body.

"I'll be back to get you when I check on the other members." Miss Murphey turned to leave when Effie stopped her.

"How m-many are th-there?" She shivered.

Miss Murphey shrugged. "How should I know? I'm just doing as I'm told." She then turned and left Effie standing underneath the cold water shivering.

Effie tried to wrap her arms around her body tighter and hoped that that helped alleviate the coldness seeping into her bones. She was unsuccessful in her attempt. She sunk to the ground and closed her eyes. She hugged her knees to her chest. She was shivering violently. Goosebumps traveled on her body and her wet clothes clung to her.

She wanted to leave, but she was afraid of what the punishment was for leaving a punishment. Miss Murphey would probably have her do something crazy to her. 

Effie's mind and body began to go numb as the freezing water continued to pour down on her. She sat there and waited for her mind to go completely numb and for her senses not to work anymore. She wished for the first time that she would die. Right here, right now. She did not have the will to live in this place anymore. She didn't care if her parents would come and get her later,she just wanted to go anywhere than here. 

Eventually - Effie didn't know how long it was - Miss Murphey walked back into the room. She strutted over to Effie and pulled her to her feet. 

Effie stumbled since her feet and legs had almost no feeling. She was dragged out of the room and into the kitchen area. Effie's stomach rumbled as she smelt the smell of some kind of porridge cooking. 

Miss Murphey stopped in front of the sink. She turned to Effie and placed her hands on her hips. "You are to clean these dishes and make them spotless. I don't care how long it takes, but you will do it."

Effie's stomach rumbled again and she shivered from the dripping wet clothing she still wore. She placed a hand on her stomach and frowned. "When is breakfast?"

Miss Murphey sighed. "You missed breakfast because you slept till seven. You will not get anything to eat until the next meal time."

"When will that be?" Effie asked horrified. 

"Around two o'clock."

Effie turned around to look for a clock. She found one right above the door they came in and saw that it was only eight o'clock. She then felt Miss Murphey grab her arm and pushed her toward the sink.

"Clean the dishes, now. Go back  to your room when you think you're done." She leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "If I come back and see that you haven't done it right and you're in your room, I will come and get you so you can do it all over again." She then straightened back up and walked out of the kitchen.

Effie looked around after Miss Murphey was officially out of the kitchen. She saw many other girls her age and even older working around the kitchen. Most of them looked emancipated and tired. There were bags under their eyes and a scared look was in them. 

Effie tried to talk to one of them, but she completely ignored her and scurried away as quick as possible. Effie guessed that they weren't allowed to talk while they worked. She walked closer to the large sink and turned the faucet on. She grabbed the first bowl and started to scrub the remaining porridge in the bowl. She was tempted to eat what little was left, but she decided against it. She had a strange feeling that Miss Murphey was always watching her and no matter what she did, she would find out. 

Effie continued to scrub for another hour and a half. Finally, she looked up at the large pile of sparkling clean dishes beside her and called her task done. She wiped her hands on her almost dried clothes and snuck out of the kitchen. She walked up the stairs and into her room where she flung herself down on the bed and closed her eyes. 

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