Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Effie stood outside the room of Headmistress Humphries with Patricia at her side. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. It didn't help ease her nervous stomach. She turned to look at Patricia to see if she was feeling the same way but appeared calmer.

"There's no need to worry, Effie," Patricia tried to reassure her. "You need to do this. If not, you won't make it to the spirit world to rest in peace."

Effie nodded and turned back to the door. She reached her hand through and watched as it disappeared through the door. Closing her eyes, she moved her whole body through until she was standing on the other side of the door looking into Headmistress Humphries office. 

Effie and Patricia had managed to make several of the workers leave the asylum through a week of hauntings. Only the stubborn ones remained behind. They remained to believe that there was no such thing as a ghost and the building was just old. To the other workers, they were easier to convince about their presence. They laughed as they watched Headmistress Humphries ran after the scared workers yelling and screaming at them with a dirty pan. 

There weren't any other patients in the building. They had all either died or were taken to other asylums to be treated for their sickness. Effie cringed at the sight of them being pulled away and pushed into a clean white car. Their screams still lingered in her mind. 

She shook her head to get rid of the images and sounds and returned her attention to Headmistress Humphries. She was sitting behind her desk with her head in her hands. Effie smiled to herself as she imaged what was going to happen next. 

Effie looked behind Headmistress Humphries to see the perfect weather outside. A thunderstorm. 

Headmistress Humphries jumped as a roll of thunder shook the building and the bright light from lighting came through the window. Effie thought it would be a perfect time to show herself in that moment. She made herself solid as Headmistress Humphries picked up her head. Effie smiled as she saw her eyes widened and her mouth hung open. 

"Wh-who's there?" she stuttered. 

Effie slowly moved towards her desk. She cocked her head to one side and jested at her, "I thought you weren't afraid of ghost?"

Headmistress Humphries shook her head and sat up straighter. "I'm not afraid! You're just a figment of my imagination. Probably just something bad I ate is making you appear before me. That's all." She closed her eyes. "When I open my eyes, you'll be gone."

Effie smiled wickedly and quickly walked so she was behind her. She made sure that her feet would not make a sound as she stood behind Headmistress Humphries. She heard Headmistress Humphries sigh with relief when she opened her eyes and saw that Effie wasn't there anymore. 

She bent down and spoke in her ear, "I'm still here."

Headmistress Humphries jumped up and spun around. She looked down at Effie with wide eyes. "But you're dead," she whispered, almost to herself.

Effie shrugged. "Yes, I am. Your workers killed me."

"I-I didn't kill you," Headmistress Humphries begged her. "I shouldn't be punished for what they did. I didn't tell them to smother you!" She stopped her sentence and shut her mouth quickly. 

"How did you know that I was smothered?" Effie asked her curiously. "From what I overheard, the workers said I died from a natural disaster."

"I-I-I" she stuttered as she tried to take a step back, but her desk wouldn't allow her to move. 

Effie laughed. "Of course you didn't know," she jested. She held out her hands and lifted her up in the air. 

"Effie!" Headmistress Humphries croaked as she clawed at her throat. "Please, don't. I'm sorry!"

"Now, is not the time for apologies, Headmistress Humphries!" Effie yelled. "You had your chances and every time those words would fail to come out of your pathetic mouth!" Thunder rolled in the sky as she finished her sentence. "Now, is the time for action!" She held Headmistress Humphries up higher before throwing her out of the window. The window shattered and glass flew everywhere as Headmistress Humphries landed on the ground outside. 

Effie hopped out of the hole in the window and walked towards Headmistress Humphries. No movement came from her and it shouldn't. Her neck was sitting at an odd angle. Effie took a shaky breath as a string of blood came out of the corner of her mouth. 

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