Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Effie continued to stare at the mangled body Headmistress Humphries. Thoughts and emotions were running through her head and none of them came to a stop. Slowly, the train in her head came to a stop and a smile grew on her face. She felt no remorse for what she did. In her mind, she finished off one revenge, leaving another to finish.

Rain continued to fall down on the now dead Headmistress Humphries. Effie watched as puddles of rain began to mix with the blood pooling around the body. 

"You did well, Effie," she heard Patricia say behind her. 

Effie turned around to see Patricia standing behind the broken window. She looked impressed with her. She stepped through the hole and over the broken glass on the ground to stand beside Effie. Effie watched as Patricia looked down at Headmistress Humphries body as a creepy smile crept onto her face.

"One down," she started. "One more to go." She turned to Effie and motioned for her to follow her. They stepped backward about to go when they heard a scream sound behind them.

Effie's eyes widened when she looked behind them to see Miss Murphey standing behind the hole in the window. She hands clutched at the collar of her shirt and her eyes were as wide as Effie's were. Her mouth remained open even after the scream had finished. 

Patricia touched Effie's arm and pulled her towards the window. 

"Patricia!" Effie warned. "She's going to see us!"

Patricia shook her head. "No, she's not. Remember, we're dead and we are the only ones who can allow them to see us."

Effie took a deep breath and calmed her heart rate down. She let Patricia pull her back into the room and deeper into the asylum before stopping at a door. The wooden door had a bronze plaque on the front with a name written on it. 

Miss Murphey.

Effie turned to Patricia and cocked her head to one side. "What are we doing here?"

Patricia shrugged. "She's the last person in the building. I thought that you would want to take care of her now."

Effie looked back at Miss Murphey's door and smiled wickedly at the thought that came to her mind. "I have an idea, but I won't be doing it until later this evening." 

Patricia nodded. "Whatever you want. You're the one doing the dirty work."

"It's for revenge."


Effie leaned her head against the wall. She closed her eyes and sighed. It was tiresome waiting for someone to come back into their room. Effie had walked through the door of Miss Murphey's room and had decided to wait for her to come back. But it was taking forever. 

She opened her eyes and looked towards the single window in the room. It was dark. Miss Murphey should have been back in here by now. 

"What if she left after seeing what had happened to Headmistress Humphries?" Effie thought to herself. "If that's the case, then there's no use of staying here anymore." She rubbed her eyes and stood up. She started to walk back towards the door when the handle started to rattle. 

Effie's breath caught in her throat as she backed herself into a dark corner of the room. Ghost or not, Effie still didn't want to be seen. Even if it was by accident. 

The door slowly swung open to reveal Miss Murphey standing there in the doorway. Her clothes - once pure white - were now covered in mud. Her hair - once pulled back in a neat bun - now hung messily around her face. Her eyes were red as if she had been crying. She stumbled into the room and slammed the door behind her. Effie watched as she leaned against the door, closed her eyes, and sighed heavily. 

Eventually, Miss Murphey pushed herself off the door and stumbled to her bed. Effie was surprised that she didn't care about the mud on her clothes connecting to the neat, clean fabric of the bed. The springs groaned underneath the weight of Miss Murphey as she lowered herself onto the bed. 

Effie waited until she heard Miss Murphey's breathing slow down and became calm. She walked towards the bed and grabbed a pillow. 

"This is what you get for everything you've ever done to me or anyone else!" Effie yelled as she pushed the pillow onto Miss Murphey's face. She kept the pillow pinned down and smiled as she watched her struggle. Miss Murphey's hands and feet kicked and clawed for Effie, but they never meet her.

Minutes passed until Miss Murphey finally became still and quiet. Effie hesitated before taking the pillow off Miss Murphey's face and backing away. Effie took deep breaths to calm her heart beat down before looking at her. 

"She's finally dead."

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