Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Effie planned with Patricia the rest of the day about what they were going to do. Patricia had to keep reminding Effie that they couldn't see or hear her as they walked out of the building and towards the graveyard. 

"What if none of this works?" Effie asked nervously.

Patricia placed a hand on her shoulder. "It will work. I promise. Just do what you have to do and you'll get the revenge you want." She paused. "You do want this don't you?"

Effie nodded.

"Good." Patricia turned and looked up at the sky. "Who should it be first?"

Effie thought for a moment. "Let's see who's crazy enough to stay."

"Alright, let's haunt this place!"

Effie thought that Patricia was too excited about their plan. Effie sure wasn't. She still didn't know what to think. Was this the right thing to do? Should she be taking revenge or should she just forget and move on? Right now, she didn't know which one she felt more about. 

She looked up when she heard someone opened the door to the washroom. She stayed where she was sitting in the middle of the room and watched the two people walk around. They were both women wearing the normal uniform for the workers of the asylum. She waited until they were close enough to start her part of the plan. 

She held out her hands on either side of her and closed her eyes. She heard the door slam shut and the pipes started to whine as the water pressure climbed up them. Opening her eyes, she watched the two workers spin around and look questioningly at the door. Effie slowly closed her fists and willed the water to come faster. 

She smiled wickedly as each of the shower heads broke one by one and water sprayed towards the workers. They screamed and held up their hands as the water and shower heads came flying towards them. 

One of the workers ran towards the door and tried to pry it open, but Effie refused to let them get away that easily. She continued to hold the door closed until the worker gave up and turned around. Effie made sure that she clogged the drainers so the water would slowly start to rise. She watched with satisfaction as the two workers began to panic and bang against the door. 

Finally, after another couple more minutes of scaring them, Effie slowly let everything go back to normal. The workers watched - their backs against the door and eyes wide - as the water was being drained and the shower heads levitating off the floor and being placed back where they were before. 

Once everything was back to normal, Effie allowed the door to be opened and watched as the workers ran out of the open door screaming. She started to laugh when she heard their screams travel down the hallway. Her laughing stopped when she heard the annoyed voice of Headmistress Humphries come down the hallway and through the open door. 

Effie balled her fist when she saw her. Headmistress Humphries stood there with her hands on her hips as she glared around the room. "Nothing happened here," she sighed impatiently. 

"No, ma'am, I promise-" one of the workers started but was interrupted by Headmistress Humphries. 

"Be quiet!" She ran a hand over her face and sighed. "Nothing happened her, so stop acting like a little girl! The room is exactly the way it was this morning when it was cleaned." She turned around to walk out of the room. "There's no such thing as ghost!" 

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