Chapter Twenty-Four

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When Miss Murphey walked into the washroom wearing a new clean uniform and took a good look at the damage the washroom was in, she screamed and marched over to Effie. She yanked her up by the arm and hissed in her ear, "Did you do all of this damage?"

Effie smirked and nodded her head. "I could do the same to you." Effie glared at Miss Murphey with venom in her eyes. She was certain that her glare matched hers.

Miss Murphey's eyes widened and her left eye twitched a little before yanking Effie out of the washroom and down the hall. They walked down another flight of stairs. Effie looked around the dark and damp room. There was a single lamp sitting in the middle of the room and what looked to be a large hole. Miss Murphey led her over to the hole and threw her in.

The action surprised Effie a little bit. She didn't expect being thrown into a hole and having one of the people you hate the most glare down at you with a sneer on her face.

"I hope you learn that you won't get away with causing damage to the facility," she spat down at Effie. "You won't get away with causing damage to my uniform. You won't get away with threatening me! I don't care if you could do anything to me, whether you want to or not, I will not take a threat lightly!" With that said, Miss Murphey grabbed the wooden door and shut Effie in the dark.

Effie screamed at her and pounded on the door hoping that it would give and Effie could get out, but nothing happened. The door didn't even move an inch. Effie, defeated, sat back down and hugged her knees. She tried closing her eyes and conjuring up whatever power she had that made her break the shower heads in the washroom. Nothing happened.

Effie huffed loudly and threw herself back so she was laying on her back. Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes for the umpteenth time that week. She finally, decided to let them flow down her cheeks in hope that they would help her feel better, but they didn't.

Calm down, a voice whispered in her head.

Effie sat up quickly at the sudden voice. She turned her head around and tried to find the source of the voice, but all she saw was darkness. She shook her head and covered her ears. She brought her knees up to her chest and rested her forehead on them.

Just calm down, the voice rang again.

She opened her eyes again. "Who's there?" She was beginning to shake from fear of whatever was in this hole.

A friend.

"If you're a friend," Effie's voice shook through the dark. "Show yourself!"

As you wish. A bright light formed in front of her making Effie shield her eyes. Eventually, the brightness turned down and a figure sat in front of her.

Effie blinked her eyes. "Who are you?" The figure was a woman with long, white hair. She was wearing a white dress that covered almost her whole body. Her eyes were inviting and weren't glazed over like the other apparitions she had seen. This woman looked nice and inviting. Effie relaxed just a bit from her presence.

I told you, a friend. Her lips didn't move at all, but it was like she could hear her only in her head.

"Why are you talking to me?"

I'm here to help you.


Cause you need to calm down, that was her only response.

"Why? I can't calm down! Do you see what I'm in?" Effie flung her arms out beside her. "I can't calm down! I'm going to die in this hole!" Effie covered her face with her hands. "I can't escape. I don't know how to make it work like it did earlier."

You were calm when you broke the washroom weren't you?

Effie nodded.

Then you need to be calm now for it to work.

Effie huffed and rolled her eyes. "Enough with being calm, alright? I can't be calm! Leave me alone!" She closed her eyes and hugged her knees again. She waited a few moments before opening up her eyes. To her amazement, the woman listened to her and disappeared.

Effie reached around her and felt a broken piece of glass laying beside her. She picked it up and felt the wooden door above her. She then tried as well as she could to carve her feelings into the wood. She cut herself repeatedly from the glass and splinters dug into her hand, but she learned to not care and push through the pain.

She finally finished what she hoped was a legible writing and laid back. She closed her eyes and tried not to think about being buried alive. It wasn't until a while later that she was met with a blinding light. She covered her eyes and saw Miss Murphey standing above her with a scowl on her face.

Miss Murphey pulled Effie out of the hole.

"I hope you learned your lesson," she hissed to Effie.

Effie didnt reply. She just looked at the door and saw her childish handwritting forever carved into the wood.

  It's supposed to be a punishment, but I will someday suffocate in here.
-Effie Richmond

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