Chapter 1: Trespassing

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I wake up to the sound of a shower running. I look around the cheap hotel room and see the digital clock, which reads 11:16 A.M. I get up from the bed and quickly pull my clothes on. I put my dyed grey hair up in a ponytail and grab my bag. Before I leave, I write a note and take some money out of Don's jacket.

"Miss, are you going to pay?" the hotel clerk asks as I check out.

"In about ten, fifteen minutes, a dude will come down. He will pay. He is going to be very angry and will probably be in a towel. By the way, his name is Don." I walk out of the hotel and get in my 2000 Ford, Mustang and drive off.

I drive down the highway getting further and further away from the small town that I had come across. After about two hours of driving, I stop at a small diner. I feel the hot sun on my lovely, chocolate skin and I hurry inside.

"Hello, welcome to Lucy's," a woman says, as I enter the restaurant.


"For here or to go?"

"Here." I respond.

"Table or booth?"

"A table will be fine."

"Alright, right this way," she grabs a menu and walks to an empty table. "Jac will be your waiter today and he should be here soon. Have a good day."

I pick up my menu and look at some of the special drinks. As I am looking, I see a figure out of my peripheral vision.

"Hello, I'm Jac, and I will be your waiter today. What would you like to drink?" a cute Indian boy, around eighteen asks.

"I would like a strawberry milkshake, an orange juice, and a glass of water, please."

"Okay, I'll be back shortly," he smiles before he walks off.

As I wait for my drinks, I scan the menu. I look at the whole menu three times and still can't figure out what I want to eat.

"Here are your drinks, ma'am." Jac comes back. "Are you ready to order?"

"I'm undecided, what do you recommend?"

"Well, personally, I like the Philly cheese steak omelet."

"Well, that is what I'm going to get. Also, I want caramel pancakes and five pieces of bacon on the side."

"Will that be all, miss?"

"Yes, that's all. Thanks." I hand him my menu.

I open my straw and begin to drink my orange juice. I finish it in about five minutes and begin on my milkshake. As I am almost done with that, I feel a presence sit at my table. I look up and see a boy around fifteen years old.

"Hey, ma," he bites his lip.

"Don't call me ma, I am not your ma," I roll my eyes.

"You right. You way too sexy to be my mama. How's about you let me get them digits," he looks over his shoulder slightly and that's when I notice a group of five other boys.

"Alright. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,..."

"What you doing?" he lifts one eyebrow at me.

"You asked for the digits, so I was giving them to you."

"Why do you gotta act like that? I know you want me," he reaches out to my face.

I grab his hand and squeeze it hard. "Do not touch me. I do not want you, and even if I did, you could not handle me. Now, take yo disrespectful ass back to your friends and get the hell out of my face before I break your fucking arm. Do you understand me?"

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