Chapter Eight - Alyss

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George glares at Horace. "What is your problem?" he hisses.

Alyss doesn't know what just happened. One minute, everything is fine, and then Horace starts provoking Will. What had Horace said? Not even Will's family wanted him? Alyss wonders what he meant.

No wonder Will looked so stricken when he ran off a few minutes ago.

Horace shrugs. "What?" he says defensively. "I was just having fun!"

"Well, I can guarantee Will wasn't!" Gilan says acidly. 

"I'm going after Will," Alyss announces, jumping up. She doesn't say anything else, doesn't point fingers or blame at anyone. She just gets up and leaves, threading her way through the breakfast crowd.

The area outside the dining hall is deserted - all of the students are either eating breakfast or back at the dorms preparing for classes. A quick scan reveals no clue to where Will is or where he went.

She takes a few steps forward. "Will?" she calls.

There's no answer, and she hovers in place for a moment, unsure what to do next. She didn't have a plan when she got up to come after Will. It was more of an impulse. She doesn't know what she would say if she did find him.

Finally, Alyss heads back into the dining hall after a last, futile glance around. This day was supposed to be perfect, she think remorsefully. And it was, up until Horace and his big mouth put a damper on it.

It's still morning, though, and she's determined to fully enjoy the rest of it. She returns to the table, somewhat gratified to see that Horace is gone, and forces the rest of her food down. Jenny is right, she'll need the energy.

"Did you find him?" Jenny asks worriedly.

Alyss shakes her head. "No, he was gone by the time I got outside."

"I hope he's okay," Jenny remarks. "I think Horace really upset him."

"What did Horace mean by saying no one wants Will?" Gilan wonders aloud.

George has a troubled look on his face. "I've discussed it with Will - Horace overheard us, that's how he knew - but I think Will needs to tell each of you himself, in his own way."

His brow furrowed, Gilan gets up to clear his tray. Jenny leans over to Alyss.

"How do you know Gilan?" she whispers.

"He's Will's friend," Alyss answers. "They are in the same studio."

"So he's piano?" Jenny asks.

"Yes," Alyss says.

Jenny nods to herself, filing the information away. She goes to get up to clear her tray, but before she can stand, Gilan is at her elbow. He gives her a quick smile and takes her tray for her.

"Oh, thank you, Gilan," Jenny says, her face flushing a light shade of pink.

Smirking, Gilan sweeps a bow. "Anytime, milady," he answers.

The four students gather their things and head outside in a group. Around them, the other students are hurrying to get ready for class. 

The others stand on the sidewalk, making plans to meet for lunch, but Alyss isn't paying attention. She looks around one more time for Will, though she knows it's probably useless.

"Alyss! Come on, we're going to be late for first class!" She looks back to see George and Gilan already heading toward the Conservatory, Jenny waiting for her. The two girls run to catch up.

Alyss's first class is 11th Grade French. She's taken French before, and she enjoys the subject. She loves the fluid sound of the language.

She's very impressed with the teacher, Mr. Abelard. From what she can gather, this is a first year class. All the other students seem like they've never studied French before. Mr. Abelard asks her to stay for a minute after class.

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