Chapter Twenty-Eight - Will

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Will and Alyss walk with Halt, Ms. DuLacy, and Mr. Baron down the hallway toward the administration section of the Conservatory. Will's not quite sure that he should be up on his feet and walking around just yet. He's still a little unsteady - his sense of gravity seems to glitch out every other minute or so - but Halt keeps a firm, supporting grip on his shoulder, holding him up.

Will glances over his shoulder at Alyss. Her long, blond hair is beginning to fall out of its braid, and her cheek, still swollen to almost twice its normal size, sports the beginnings of an impressive green and yellow bruise. Ms. DuLacy is keeping a watchful eye on her, and is still carrying the ice pack.

Mr. Baron holds the door to the administration suite open for them. The reception desk is empty. Martin, the faithful secretary, is absent from his post. Mr. Baron leads them through a doorway behind the desk, and down a long hallway lined with offices. He stops in front of a door at the very end of the hallway, and rummages in his pocket for the keys. After unlocking the door, he pushes it open and holds it, making way for Halt, Ms. DuLacy, Will, and Alyss to enter the room.

The tall blond boy who attacked Alyss is sitting on a couch against the wall, flanked by Gilan and Horace, who warily watch his every move. The boy looks miserable. Will almost feels sorry for him, then glances over at Alyss's poor face, and decides he deserves it.

"This is Keren Symonson," Mr. Baron explains. "He's a trumpet player and a senior here at the Conservatory. He has admitted to being in charge of a group of students called the Royals, who seem to be defending the honors, titles, and privileges awarded to students for the so-called 'royalty' students."

Will glances at Keren, who suddenly seems a little less intimidating now that he has a name. Then he glances at Alyss, who just looks confused.

"Why?" she asks the blond boy. "What were your motives behind targeting the scholarship students?"

Keren glares at Alyss. "You don't deserve to be here," he spits. "You scholarship brats come in here and take all the good spots, while our parents are paying good money for us to have those spots and opportunities. Plus all of you weasel your ways in to be the teachers' favorites."

Alyss looks taken aback, but doesn't say anything more. Ms. DuLacy places a calming hand on her upper back. "And who else is in your little group?" she asks coldly. "I will not tolerate any of my students who have had a part in this."

Keren gazes sullenly at Ms. DuLacy, before he quickly lists a few names, none of which Will recognizes. 

There's a momentary silence as Mr. Baron notes down the names. Then Alyss quietly asks, "Why?" again.

Everyone looks at her in confusion, before she clarifies further. "I mean, you obviously have some personal prejudice against us. Against me, in particular. There has to be a reason why? What did I ever do to you?"

And finally, Keren breaks. He seems to deflate in his seat, and Will sees in his eyes a glimmer of regret. "I did it for Cassandra. All of it."

This was not the answer any of them were expecting. In fact, Alyss's mouth is gaping in shock.

Keren continues. "She doesn't know about any of this. I did it because - I love her. And I would do anything for her to succeed. But don't blame her. She has nothing to do with the royals, other than a shared dislike for scholarship students."

And finally, it all begins to make sense to Will. The reason why Alyss was targeted so much in the past semester, and especially in the past few days. It's because Alyss was the biggest threat to Cassandra's success, and because of that, Keren had made her his main target.

And he's furious. But instead of blowing up at Keren, he instinctively moves to stand next to Alyss, wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulder. Alyss closes her eyes for a minute, leaning into Will tiredly.

When Will speaks, his voice is quiet. But it's no less threatening and serious than if he screamed at Keren. "If you ever touch Alyss again, you'll wish you never came anywhere near Redmont Conservatory."

Mr. Baron clears his throat. "Will, I know everyone shares your sentiment, but it shouldn't be a problem. Keren and his associates will be expelled from the Conservatory before this hour is out. As soon as we finish our meeting here, I will be summoning the other students involved to my office and I will contact their parents. They'll be gone before the evening is out."

"Good," Will says, almost savagely. 

Halt almost looks amused. "Come on, you two," he says. "Let's leave Mr. Baron to his expelling business. Pauline, would you like to join me and Will and Alyss for dinner at the dining hall?"

A/N: Bet none of you saw Keren coming!! :) Keep an eye out for the next chapter!!

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