Epilogue - Alyss

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Alyss sits on the tree bough, one arm hugging the trunk, her legs dangling over the side. It's fully dark out, save for the lightposts illuminating the sidewalk below, and the light spilling out of the dining hall.

It's a full-blown party in there - celebrating the Junior International Conservatory representatives. She's still can't quite wrap her mind around the fact that out of all the students in the Conservatory, she has been chosen to represent all of the string students at nationals. In exactly one month.

Far from being unpleasant, the late November evening air is bracing. It cools her cheek, which still aches slightly. She knows her face is probably sporting a horrific bruise from her earlier run-in with Keren, but she couldn't care less.

Far above her, the stars sparkle coldly in the cool air. There was a time when Alyss would have chanted that age-old rhyme and wished upon a star, but now she's too old to do that. Maybe. She sighs and relents. The superstitious child in her won't let her avoid it.

"Star light, star bright," she whispers, "first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight."

The star she's chosen for her wish flickers for a moment, almost in response, as Alyss speaks her wish in her head. She knows better than to say it aloud.

There's a scrabbling noise beneath her, and Will appears next to her. He looks flabbergasted to find her here.

"Alyss!" he exclaims. "Sorry, I didn't know you were up here! I can leave if - "

In response, Alyss scoots over on the tree branch, leaving room for Will to sit. "Please, stay," she says. "I know this is your thinking place, so I can leave if you want me to."

Will shakes his head as he settles into position on the bough between her and the trunk. "No, it's fine," he says. "But how did you know? I always made sure no one saw me."

"I've known since the first day," Alyss says. "Remember that mess with Horace at breakfast on the first day? I saw you coming down from here at lunch, when you were avoiding us."

"Oh," Will says.

They sit in companionable silence for a few long moments. Will slides his arm around Alyss's waist, and she leans against him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I don't think I got the chance to tell you," Will says. "Congratulations."

"I don't think I got the the chance to tell you," Alyss says. "Congratulations."

He smiles at her repeat of his words, then sits up to face her. 

"You're amazing, Alyss," he says. Then he leans forward and kisses her.

It's a sweet kiss, and a short one. Will is the first to pull away. He searches her face. "Please, don't be mad -"

She cuts him off with another kiss. When they break away, she smirks at him.

"Will Treaty, have I ever told you you're an idiot?"

He grins. "Plenty of times."

She leans against him again, and they gaze at the stars far above them.

Some time later, they hear their friends come out of the dining hall calling their names.

Alyss sits up and looks at Will. "We'd better go," she says, "before Halt calls a school lockdown because we're missing."

Will laughs.

And the two of them slide down the tree trunk and, hand in hand, run to join their friends.

A/N: And that's a wrap!!! :)

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