Chapter Twenty-Six - Will

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Will hates Halt's plan.

But there's not much he can do about it, and he recognizes the fact that it's probably the best move at this point in time. Actually, it's a genius plan. Will only hates it because it hinges on Alyss willingly putting herself in danger.

He lingers behind Halt and Ms. DuLacy to speak with Alyss in a hurried whisper.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks worriedly.

Alyss half-smiles at him, though it doesn't reach her eyes. "Will, I have to," she says.

"Well, I don't like it."

"Your distaste for the project will be duly noted," she tells him. "And ignored."

Will sighs and gives up. One thing he's learned about Alyss over the past few months is, she's very determined. And she never gives up.

While Alyss is in her secret audition, Halt briefs his group of student "eyes," into the ranks of whom Will has been unofficially inducted.

"All of you, keep your phones on," he instructs. "I know Will and Gilan will be in auditions, so keep them on silent if you have to, but make sure you check often. If things go pear-shaped with Alyss, I might not be able to go help without making things look suspicious and alerting the Royals, whoever they are. You guys are my - and Alyss's - best bet."

He quickly shows them the stellatite bracelet with the little hidden button that will send an alert to Halt's phone. "I'll give her this and explain the backup plan," he says. "If you get an alert from me, it will contain her location in the school building. I have no way of warning you what the alert is. Your priority will be to get Alyss away."

The little meeting closes, and Halt shoos them away, warning them to keep their eyes out for anything suspicious.

Will is on edge all day, and his nerves as his callback audition time nears only make it worse. He's a nervous wreck by the time three thirty rolls around. Gilan waits outside the audition room with him for a few minutes.

"Good luck, Will," he says when the door opens and Sonia comes out.

"Thanks, Gil," Will says. He takes a deep breath and enters. Gilan would normally watch all of his competitors, but Halt doesn't want either of them tied down in the audition room unless they're actually auditioning. He wants as many people as possible free to help Alyss if necessary, a plan which Will approves of heartily.

He sits down at that piano for the third time in two days and is joined a moment later by Mr. Brunt at the other piano to play his orchestra accompaniment.

The Prokofiev begins, and somehow, despite everything that's going on, Will manages to lose himself in the music. It's almost disorienting when the piece ends.

He flies through the Bach easily. Technically, it's the easiest piece on the program, but musically, it's very difficult. It's all coming together well today, which is a relief.

Finally, he is asked to play the Islamey. 

"Here goes nothing," he murmurs to himself as he begins to play.

It's perfect. Absolutely flawless. Will has no idea how he's doing it, just that it's happening, and he's never been happier.

He finishes the final huge chord, and the air around him vibrates for a moment with the sound before it dies away. 

Silence rings in his ears for a long moment, only to be broken by applause. Half in a daze, Will rises from the piano, turning to face the audience, and bows low, acknowledging their applause.

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