Chapter 3

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I woke up to find myself in bed. I looked around to notice that I was in the nurses office.

"Look who's finally woke up" someones voice said across the room.

I looked to see who it was and saw it was Teruki. He got up from a nurses chair and came over towards me.

" long was I asleep?" I said concerning.

He only smiled. "You've been out for almost the entire school period. It's now fourth period. Do you feel any better now?"

I slowly sat up and placed my hand on my forehead for a moment.

"...I see. And yes, I do feel kinda better. Thank you" I looked at the time on the wall to see that it's almost time to head home. I got up from the bed and looked at Teruki starring at me. And noticed my backpack on the floor next to my shoes.

"I'm so sorry for wasting you're class time...I think I can go on my own from here. Since, you've already shown me the entire school building. Thanks for that by the way" I started walking out of the nurses office along with Teruki on my side as I put my backpack on my back.

"It's no problem at all Tenshi-san. I actually don't like any of my classes. I wished I had you for a class period. Please, let me take you to you're last period class" He was about to place his arm around my shoulder but i purposely stopped for a moment.

"No really, it's okay. Thanks for you're kind offer though. I better get going!"

I waved at him as i ran the opposite direction from him. Hoping he didn't follow me or anything.


At last, the final school bell had rang. All of the students gathered there things and went out the classroom door.

I took my time to put my stuff in my backpack. I looked out the window to see that it was going to rain.

I gasped to my myself and quickly hurried myself up. I wanted the chance to feel the rain drops in my skin once again.

Soon, I headed out the building and on to the side walk on my own. I looked up at the sky to notice the grey clouds under neath me. I smiled widely as I walked home.

On my way home, I noticed an open alley with no one in sight. I looked around me once more and decided to walk threw it. I felt a water drop on my nose and looked up.

The rain drops we're starting to show as more rain drops came down. Until I finally realized it was raining, hard. My smile grew big again as I felt my energy flowing threw my veins. I decided to twirl here and there and on I went.

And at the same time, I felt like singing for some reason. I decided to sing a lullaby on way home but I was afraid of being caught. I sensed no one near by, so I started humming quietly.

After humming a small lullaby, I started singing. I looked at a trash can on my way and thought of moving it with my telekinesis powers. I raised my hand up to see the trash can lift up on it's own.  I walked around it and herd something fall behind me.

My eyes grew in fear as I turned my head to see what it was. It was an orange cat with white stripes on it's tail, sitting on a box full of junk inside it. I sigh of relief to have thought that someone has seen me use my powers or worse, herd me sing..

I shook that off and continued to walk on my way home.


I closed the door behind me as I left my shoes in front of my house door.

"I'm home.."

I headed towards my room, closed the door, and swang my backpack on the floor. I closed my eyes for a moment and saw a flashback of that helmet boy from earlier. I smiled and felt my cheeks turn pink again.

"I wonder what his name was...I can't get him off my mind...oh, who am I kidding? I knew I was crushing on this guy..."

I looked at my reflection from my mirror in front of me.

"....How do I get him to notice me?"


The next couple of days, I was heading towards my way to school as I usually did. I looked up at the sky to see the morning sun. I smiled and thought of the boy that I had a crush on. Having  scenarios of me and him being able to be together, holding hands, going out for a walk on a romantic park for couples, ect.. My cheeks would automatically turn pink whenever I would see him.

I walked inside the classroom and noticed my desk full of sweet gifts. Even roses. Girls from my class looked at me with envious looks on there faces. I walked towards my desk and saw a note sticking out from the bouquet of roses. I took the note and before I began to read it, I herd whispering sounds going around the room again. I again ignored and read the love note.

"Hope you like you're gifts, Tenshi-san ;) -Teruki"

I felt one of my eyes twich for a split second on the thought of Teruki telling me that.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see who it was.

"Are those gifts from you're boyfriend?" A random girl asked me as more of them we're behind her.

I blinked two times and saw my crush sitting on his desk. His presence made me blush instantly.

"N-no....there just from a friend-"

"Are you and Teruki-san going out?!" Another girl said in the background.

I shook my head and refused to answer any more questions from them. I looked back to see my crush looking over towards me.

I sat down and felt my cheeks turn even more pink. But me sensing him looking at the stuff from my desk would make him think the wrong way about me. I didn't want that to happen. I was to shy to even talk to him or even look at him.

Finally, I was able to look over to him and found him starring at me. From habits of mine, I smiled sweetly at him. I noticed his expression change as he immediately looked away.

I couldn't tell or read what expression he meant by that. So I took it the wrong way..

"Does he hate me? Or he just doesn't care?"

I honestly couldn't tell at this point. I looked back at the gifts from my desk and put them away on my backpack.

The rest of the day, I couldn't help but to think that my crush didn't like me back.

"Maybe he likes someone else...or maybe he has a girlfriend.."

The thought of that broke my heart into pieces...

To be continued...

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