Chapter 8

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Author's Note: Hello my dear reader! ❤️

After years of not updating this book, I want to apologize to all who have loyalty waited for a new chapter to update! Thank you sincerely for having this book in your library and for coming back! ❤️ But unfortunately, I have lost interest in this series some time ago which is why I decided to put it on hold for some time. Due to other personal matters I needed to address. To tell you the truth, This chapter was already typed down and in my drafts for a REALLY long time which my silly self forgot to go back and edit the errors it had. So sorry again for that too 💔....However, I do intend on finishing this book but it might take me some more time since I still have other books on here that I still need to update as well. So please, for your times sake, don't wait for to long for me to update unless you enjoy this story I made for you. And just to get it out of the way, I already have the whole plot in mind for this story but I just need time to type it all down when I have more time in hands again. So for now, I hope to at least satisfy some of you with this chapter for now. That's all I have to say for now, enjoy everyone! 😊❤️


It's been a few weeks since Mob and I have been friends. But something about him wasn't leaving my mind.

The day he saved me from the attack, Mob seemed to have some kind of special power that he possessed.

Something that he didn't like to talk about. But my senses were never wrong. Mob was hiding a side from me and everyone else. A side that i wanted to discover.

Could Mob possibly have the same powers as i do? Or maybe-

"Tenshi-san" Mob called after me.

I turned my head to see Mob catching up to me. I smiled.

"Hey Mobu-kun" i chuckled as i turned my whole body towards him.

"There's someone i want you to meet..." He said calmly. I looked at him confused for a moment.

I wonder....who could it be?

I gave him another smile before snapping out of my thoughts.

"Okay! " He walked me out of our school since it was finally time to go home.

We walked across the soccer field where all the young kids where practicing in.

I turn to see Mob looking at a group of guys ahead of us. One of them looked like he was popular. Until we came into a stop a few meters away from the group we saw.

"I'll be right back" he said to me before going up to the group of boys.

While I waited for him to come back, I check the time on my wrist to see that I still had time before cram school started.


I glance up and finally saw Mob coming back after two minutes. But something from his expression look different from usual. It's as if he's never seen something so mesmerizing before.

His cheeks were blushing...

His eyes were sparkling to a different direction close to my distance behind my back. I turn my head to see what had caught his attention.

That's when I immediately realized, Mob was already crushing on someone else...


"Hey Takane! Do you wanna hang out at my place?!"

A group of girls were surrounding a beautiful young girl at my age in a spotlight not far from where I was.

Her presence shined as her hair and smile glowed like the sun. Merely almost everyone around her kept their eyes glued on her. That's how beautiful this girl was. Even Mob was part of that group too.

Which obviously made my heart throb in pain.

It even made me feel self conscious on the way I looked.

This feeling stings I not...pretty enough?...

After finally realizing to myself that there was someone out there who Mob had taken interest on made me sad.

But that didn't mean I would give up on him yet.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting Tenshi...I had to let my coach know that I won't be attending to practice today..." He said in his low, gentle voice.

I nodded and gave him a sign that it was fine. I continued to smile at him even though I was hurting from the inside.

"So tell me Mob...who is this person you want me to meet?" I asked him as we both walked together across the street to get to the other side of the side walk.

"I want you to meet my boss from work. His name is Reigen. And he's a pretty cool guy with great psychic powers. He is my sensei...I work under him for some time now..." I noticed a little smile form on his face. Which eased the pain I was feeling for a brief moment away.

"A psychic?....interesting" I crossed my arms over my chest as he began to explain his relationship he had with his mentor.


After a few minutes of walking, I suddenly sensed something off. And it seemed like Mob felt it too.

"...something doesn't feel right..." He said stopping in front of a dark alley. I stopped along with him since i felt it as well. But i didn't wanted him to know that. So all i did was follow him along.

"...What do you mean?...we are technically in front of a dark alley..." I obviously said not trying to sound rude.

"...We should take another route before-"

"Hey Mobu-kun..." Someone said in the distance behind us.

We both turned our heads simultaneously to look at the person behind us.

"....It's you..."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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