Chapter 4

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Author's Note: Image placed above was drawn by me. Enjoy the chapter! :) ♥


It was finally at the last period of class. I headed towards my locker and started opening it. I took out the gifts from my backpack as I noticed the most popular girl from our school, Takane Tsubomi. She was walking along with her friends by her side. Now to think of it, I never saw her alone.

I didn't understand how Teruki wouldn't go after her instead of me. But then again, I spoke to soon...

I looked at Teruki along with his boys behind him, heading towards Takane and her friends. Soon, I noticed him trying to flirt with her.

"I knew it...What a f*ck boy..."

From my distance, she seemed to be so sweet and nice as me. As I watched them talk for a few moments, I looked back at my locker and thought of getting rid of the stuff he got for me.


I took all of the gifts back to Teruki's locker. I left them on the floor and went back to going to my last period class. On my way over, I sensed another strong presence near by.

But this time, it wasn't Teruki's, if not, somebody else's. I walked along as I finally reached towards the strong sense. I turn to my right and felt myself bump into someone.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry! I-i didn't see you-" I paused. My mouth dropped a little to see it was my crush I bumped into. I felt my cheeks turned even pinker to see his face up close. I stood there for a second until I realized I was going to be late for class.

I immediately walked past him and ran off to my classroom. I didn't dare to look back and just decided to look forward.


The thought of him couldn't leave my mind. I couldn't even concentrate the entire class time because of him.

I was dying to know his name...but I promised myself not to use my powers anymore... For Guresu...

As I walked past some hallways on the way out of school, I looked into a classroom to notice a girl yelling at a group of boys. I assumed they we're her friends. But then I remembered..


"This is the Telepathy Club, we're students get to slack off after school" Turki pointed at the room he was talking about.

I looked at the room and noticed the big sign on top of the door.

"Wait, so then why would they call it the telepathy club? Who's the leader of this group?"

"Some girl named Tome. She asked me if I wanted to join her club a few days ago. But unfortunately, I refused because of other after school activities I do"

*End Of Flashback*


Suddenly, I saw someone step out of the room. I grabbed a hold of my journal tight into my arms as i took a step back.

A girl with short black hair, and weird looking eyes looked at me with a smile.

"Hi! Can I help you?!" She said in a offly cheery tone.

I stood there for a moment as I tried to think of an answer to give her.

"....N-no, no I'm good! I just remembered something that I had to do. T-that's all!" I smiled back to her.

"Oh...well, would you like to join the telepathy club?! It would be great to have a new member in our club!"

"W-well...i-.....c-can i think about it?" I tried sounding convincing as i just wanted to head home.

"Hai! Please come back at any time! But make sure you come after school because...that's when were open!"

I waved at her as well as i gave her a friendly nod.

"..oh goodness...."

As i walked along the side walk, i looked to my right to see a few people working out on the hot sun. It looked like the Body Improvement Club that Teruki mentioned. I squinted my eyes to see who they were. They were a few of them who had muscle body except for one. I immediately noticed that there was a short guy in the squad. That's when my crush came to mind.

I checked my senses to see who it really was. And it was him.

My eyes grew wider as my cheeks turned pink again.

"W-wha????.....h-he's in the body improvement club?!"

I thought for a moment as i kept walking.

"Why would he be in the body improvement club? he trying to be healthy?....or maybe....trying to impress somebody?...."

The thought of him having a crush on someone else broke my heart again.

I looked away from them as i kept walking but my head looking down.

"I want to get close to him...i want to talk to him...but how can i do that if i'm still unsure about myself....."


"Tenshi-san! Guresu-san! Dinner is ready!" My mom yelled at us from the kitchen.

I went down stairs to find all of my family in the kitchen table. I took a seat next to my younger sister as I looked at the food in front of me.

I took my fork in my hand and started eating. My mom and dad we're talking as me and Guresu listened. I looked at the spaghetti meatball on my plate as my crush's face appeared on it.

"....Why can't I get you off my mind?"

I took my fork and poked on the meatball as I was about to put it in my mouth but felt my fork bend...again. I sighed.

My family noticed and they all had stopped talking.

"Tenshi-san! You're bending you're forks again! If you keep bending them you'll have to replace them with you're allowance money!" 

"O-oh...sorry dad...." I starred at my fork but placed it down. Guresu grabbed my fork and saw her bend it back for me.

"Here you go, Tenshi-san!" She said with her sweet smile. I looked at her and smiled back.

"Thank you, Guresu-san.."


That night, i looked out the window to see it was starting to rain again. The thoughts of my past and presents were in my mind. Including my crush.
"I want to get to know him...."

I placed my hand on the window to feel the cold glass on my skin. 

To be continued... 

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