Chapter 5

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"Tenshi-san!'re going to be late for school!"

I woke up from the voice of my mother yelling at me from the kitchen. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. I glance over to the clock to see it was seven thirty in the morning.

"Thank you God, for another day"

I got up and did my morning routine as i usually did. I fixed my hair and put my light blue bow behind my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror with a smile.

"Tenshi-san! Mom wants you to hurry up and eat breakfast!" Guresu also yelled at me to hurry up.

"I'm coming!" I said back and took my bag with me.

I went down stairs and ate right away.

"Angel-san...why so quiet this morning?" My sister asked as we walked along the path to school.

I looked at her with a forcing smile.

"Huh?'s nothing..." I kept looking straight as if everything was normal. But i really wasn't. I was dying for help from the inside.

I looked up at the clouds to see them move from the force that the wind gave them. Then my crush came to mind... Again.

I couldn't help but remember all the flashbacks I had with him. Something about him just made me like him. That's when I remembered, I had sense Esper powers in him. And they we're pretty strong too.

My eyes widen to finally remember that moment I bumped into him.

"H-...he's just like me....we have similar powers! Oh my goodness...this could be my chance to be close to him!"

I was so happy to know he had powers like i did. But...i needed to see what kind of guy he was. I needed to follow him and find out what he does. I knew it sounded creepy to do that. It was the only way to get to know him more. And be able to be close to him.


"Alright class, pay attention! I will pick on one of you to read out loud for the class today. I need all of you to take out the previous book i handed to you yesterday. And turn to page 1"

I took out the book from my backpack as i turned it to page 1. I waited until the teacher would start reading the first page.

Until, someone came late into class. I moved my bangs out of the way to see it was my crush coming in.

"I wonder why he's late to class again"

I looked down at my book from preventing myself seeing him. I herd him take a seat as i herd my teacher call on him.

"Kageyama Shigeo! Why are you late to class again? Can you explain?"

My eyes widen to finally hear his name for the very first time. I even blushed at that little moment to hear what it was.


Everyone turned to look at him. His expression seem to be pale and nervous at the same time.

"I-...i woke up late again, sir"

The teacher only fixed his glasses as he handed him an extra book to him.

"For you're punishment, i need you to read the book out loud for the class to hear" The teacher went back to his desk as he waited for him to start.

I felt bad for Shigeo as he took his book and stand up from his seat next to me. I can tell he was shaking and the sweat from his face.


I shook my head and felt my body take control. I raised my hand up high for the teacher to notice. I even standed up so that Shigeo wouldn't feel alone on this one.

"Mister Bone, can i take the punishment?" I couldn't believe i was doing this.

I looked to my left to see my crush's reaction. And back towards my teacher. Mister bones looked surprised. Even his jaw was hanging open a little.

"M-miss Akari?! Are you willing to take this punishment from this boy?!"

I only nodded in responce. "Hai..."

"....You can take a seat mister Shigeo" my teacher told him.

I looked back to see him starring at me in awed. I smiled sweetly.

I watched him sit as i began to read the book out loud.

Shigeo followed along.


*Lunch time*

I went outside to eat my meal, but to notice Shigeo sitting by himself under a tree bench. He took out his food from his backpack as he began to eat it in peace.

I felt my cheeks glow once more. Watching him from my distance was something i enjoyed. But at the same time, i wanted to be by his side.

I sigh and went back to eating my meal from the other side.


A few moments later, i herd footsteps coming from behind me. I placed my food down and turned to see who it was.

I never would had guest...

"Tenshi-san. I've been looking for you! We're have you been this past few days?" Teruki asked as he sat right beside me.

"You HAD to ruin my little f*ck boy"

I hated guys like him. But if it wasn't for him, i would be lost to finding any place from the school's campus. I sigh and just decided to be real with him.

I looked at him with a fake smile.

"Is that so?...maybe you were to busy flirting with the other girls from our grade" i looked back at my food as i took a bite out of my green apple.

I sensed Teruki having to be ticked off by the answer i gave him. I just wanted to eat and leave my way to watching Shigeo.

"Tenshi-san...c'mon. I'm just playing around with them. The only girl i take interest on is you" he looked at me with his irresistable smile again.

I wasn't going to fall for that. (Obviously....)

"If you so say that you only take interest in me, then why would you flirt with the other girls then? I don't think that's playing it? Or you're also playing around with me too? You probably say this to all of the girls you flirt with. I'm not a toy to play with, Teruki..." I grabbed my bag and left him behind.

But suddenly, I felt a strong force picked me up from the floor. I turned my head to see Teruki in rage.

"Oh no..."

"Teruki! Put me down!" I yelled at him.

"Nobody tell's me what to do... You ungrateful b*tch!"

I felt his power pressure gripping on to me as i told myself to keep calm. I didn't wanted my powers to be exposed out here in the open. I was afraid of loosing control again. I promised my young sister that i wouldn't use my powers anymore.

From preventing any harm made...

To be continued...

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