Chapter 7

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(Drawing not drawn by me. I just edited a little bit just so you'll see Tenshi-san and Mobu-kun together 💕. Credits goes to the artist who drew this. 😊)


I ran back to my locker to gather my things. As i did what i did, i looked around to see there was no one in sight. The hallways we're completely empty. All of the students we're still outside to see what was going on.

I took this opportunity to skip school, so I won't be able to see Shigeo-san my next class period. I didn't wanted him to see me. I was afraid that he might think me as an un-greatful person for not thanking him after what he did for me...


The next day, i had to make up an excuse not to go to school today.

Actually, for the rest of the school week...

I talked to my mom and managed to convice her why i couldn't go to school the following week. I was scared she might refuse and still made me go to school. But she let me stay after all.


Mob's P.O.V

"Shigeo-san! Wake up! You'll be late to school again".

I sat up quickly to realize that i was sweating. I looked at the time to see it was 7:30am. I starred at my blanket as i tried to remember the dream i just had. The girl i saved yesterday was the same girl that i gave her pencil to. But for some reason, she wouldn't leave my mind. Something just made me want to see her again.


I walked inside my class to see everyone there, except, for the girl i saved yesterday. Her desk was empty and it stayed that way for an entire week.

I was wondering why she wasn't coming to school. I was concerned something might had happened to her. Until i decided to ask my teacher to see if they have any news from her.

"Mister Bones, what happen to the new student we had last week? She hasn't been coming since...did something happen to her?" I asked after all of the students exit the classroom door.

"Oh, you mean Akari Tenshi-san?...her mother called in and told me she was home sick. She won't be coming back until she feels better" My teacher looked at me with a smile.

"....Tenshi-san?...that's her name"

"Oh, thank you mister Bones" i walked away from the classroom on to the next.

The rest of the day, i was distracted from the thoughts i had of my dream and the girl I saved, Tenshi-san.

Even my master asked me what was wrong with me. He can tell that i was concerned in some kind of way.

*The next week*


Tenshi-san's P.O.V

After a week has passed, i finally decided to talk to my crush. I knew it was going to take a lot of guts, but i just had to say thank you after what he had done for me last time...

I got ready for school the following day and headed to my first period class. Once i step inside the classroom, i look towards my seat's direction to find it occupied.


I couldn't see who it was because of they we're reaching for something in there backpack. It seemed like a boy to me. I stopped next to them as i waited for them to notice me.

"..Um?...excuse me?" I said in a shy, gentle tone that can get almost anyone's attention too.

The guy stopped what he was doing as he looked up at me immediately.

"O-oh...sorry, i-" i felt my cheeks turn red to see it was my crush sitting on my desk. But i noticed he was...sweating?

"Okay, he doesn't usually do that...but..i should take this chance to talk to him"

"U-uh, no no! It's fine! You can stay there if you want. I'll just sit next to you" i said walking to his empty seat next to him. At the same time, not trying to sound nervous or anything.

I felt my hands sweat as i couldn't help but to look back at him. I turned my head to see him starring at his journal. His actions seemed so cute, it just made me wanna cuddle him but obviously i wouldn't do that...

I cleared my throat for a moment before taking actions.

"Should i ask him to be my friend?"

I took a deep breath until i finally looked at him.

" you want to be my....friend?" I hesitated to ask him. He looked at me with a shock look that you could barely see. I took that chance to smile at him as i gave him my hand for him to shake.

"My name is Akari Tenshi-san. But you can call me Angel-san if you want?" I gave a small chuckle after that.

For a moment he just starred at me until he finally shook my hand with his and smiled a tiny bit.

"A-ahh, H-hai. My name is Kageyama Shigeo, you can call me Mob if you like.."

I kept smiling at him until we finally let go of the small hand shake.

"It's a pleasure, Mobu-kun. You don't mind me calling you that, right?"

"No, not at all" he simply said.

"Great! you like to hang out with me for lunch?" I tried not to blush on that moment i said that. His reaction seem to be positive and nodded his head for an answer.


After the following classes we had together, i was finally able to be comfortable around him. Just by talking to him and being around him was a good feeling for me. He seems like an offly easy to talk to guy and wasn't one to judge. Plus, he was very nice too. Which made me decrease my shyness around him most of the time.

But what i noticed from him was he wasn't the type to show much emotion. Which made me wonder why...

To be continued...



Sorry for the late update everyone. I'll try to update this book as much as i can. As you can tell, my top interests are now Death Note. But that doesn't mean i lost interest on this book. I'm still a fan of Mob Pyscho 100 though. Which I hope some of you understand why I haven't been updating much on this book...And to be honest with you, i already had this chapter typed out. I just needed to come back and edit it a little bit. (If you see any more mistakes, please correct me if you like. And i'm also sorry if this chapter sounded terrible...😞)

I really tried my best to make it sound as good as possible for you guys. But as i can see, i had failed on doing so...💔

I still updated this part because i know some of you wanted me to update it so here you go! 😊

Also, I hope some of you enjoyed it and i hope for you to come back on the next update!

Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day/evening/night! 😄😊💕


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