Chapter 6

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"I will make you beg for you're life if you don't accept to be my girlfriend!" Teruki kept his grip on me in the air.

I looked at the students in sight as they all scattered inside for there lives. They we're afraid of being caught in Teruki's rage.

I felt myself to be turned as I looked directly down at him. He gave me an ugly look and saw the clouds piling up under neath us. The wind was getting stronger.

I felt myself reaching to a point where I was about to explode. I felt my powers and my blood boiling from my veins. Including my body.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I was about to release a huge amount of energy towards Teruki, when all of a sudden, I herd someone's voice behind me.

"Put her down, Teruki-san...." I turned my head to see who it was. My eyes went fully wide to see it was Shigeo.

My heart started pounding like crazy for a moment until I felt my powers calming down. My cheeks had started glowing to see Shigeo in sight.

"Stay out of this you little brat! This is between me and Tenshi-san!" He glared ugly towards him.

Shigeo only gave him the bored look and nothing more. That made Teruki even more pist than he already was.

Teruki charged his esper powers towards him as it sended Shigeo flying across the field. My eyes widen to watch my crush land brutally on the floor. I turned my head to see Teruki's face full of rage.

"NO! STOP! Leave him alone!" I struggled to get of his grip. But it was impossible. He only gripped me more until I led out a small painful scream.

"Stop defending him! He was stupid for getting in my way! You will be mine, Tenshi-san! Whether you like it or not!"

Suddenly, I flash of light filled the whole place for a split second. I closed my eyes to feel the wind blow even stronger. It was coming from Shigeo's direction. I reopened my eyes to see a unknown black looking figure. It was standing on the same spot my crush was in. And sensed he was angry.

Teruki's eyes widen for a moment but changed them.

"You want to face me?! Come get some!" Teruki yelled as he put me aside. He charged himself towards the unknown figure, but to watch him fly off into the sky after a split second.

I covered my eyes from the dirt that was getting into my eyes. I sensed the figure looking at me as I tried to look at it back.

Finally, the wind has calmed down. I looked up at the sky to see Teruki nowhere in sight. I looked back at the figure and saw it floating towards my direction. My heart was pounding fast. I felt my cheeks blush a bit lightly. Until the figure came into a halt. I waited a few moments to say something but nothing...

After a few seconds later, I watched it changed back to it's regular form. The clouds we're starting to clear. The sun was showing light once again. Everything seemed to be back to normal. But the fight wasn't that long rather than quick.

I looked back to see my crush laying down on the floor. I immediately ran over to him as I tried checking for a pulse. I felt my eyes we're starting to water for a moment. Concerned that he might be dead because of me.

"...S-shigeo?!...shigeo! Please wake up!" He seemed to me that he was still alive. I looked at his face features until I met his eyes. His eyes we're starting to open slowly. I herd a small moan escape from his mouth.

Suddenly, everyone from the school building went out to check if the fight was over. The crowd got bigger as I immediately ran out of there.

I was afraid of something bad might happen. I didn't wanted him to look at me yet. I was so shy to even talk to him. But what really bugged me was I didn't get to say thank you for saving my life.

I hope he didn't know that it was who he saved...but at the same time, I wanted to feel noticed by him..

"Notice me, senpai..."

I knew I lost my chance on being able to talk to him. I felt so angry at myself for not staying behind and see if he was okay. If it wasn't for him, Teruki would had hurt me in any way he could. I was blessed that Shigeo-san had saved me.... Even though I could defend myself, I still couldn't expose my powers out to the world to see. For Guresu...

To be continued...

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